Before starting the registration process your organisation must meet several prerequisites in order to be successfully onboarded as a customer for Coop Pank Gateway API:
On-boarding process for starting to use live environment:
For additional help, please contact your personal Business Client Manager or the IT Support Team
It's possible to use the Gateway API services as a single client or as an operator.
Single clients
Using it as a single client means that client itself is the owner of the authentication certificate and connection software. Certificate provides access to one customer or legal entity only.
Operators/service providers and end users using their services
Operators or service providers are the intermediary. They themselves own a certificate and provide the service to multiple customers or legal entities. It is usually for accounting software providers and other similar business cases.
In this scheme there are two kinds of clients:
Only service provider connection software is using Gateway API services directly. End users are using the service provider software. For all requests we also need to know the end user - the actual client that uses the service provider. For this we require two HTTP headers in addition to regular expected input:
If these are missing from the request, you will get a corresponding error.
Authentication (connection) certificates are necessary for both test and live environments. Certificates are necessary for single clients and operators/service providers. Certificate identifies and confirms on transport layer that messages were sent by customer's software to the Bank.
Alternatively you can request the certificates from Coop Pank CA, you need test certificate for Sandbox and the other one for Live environment. It is an SSL Base64 PEM certificate that also requires a key.
Process for Coop Pank CA certificate generation (ignore if you are using SK ID Solution AS certificate):
To verify your certificates and test the basic connection to the API you can use the Communication Test services service in both Live and Sandbox.
It is possible to add the digital stamp of Coop Pank to the following messages:
Digital stamp can be added to all contract types, the use of the digital stamp in services must be agreed upon in the Coop Pank Gateway contract.
A digital stamp is added to all messages, as agreed upon in the contract, except for error type of messages presented in XML format. Adding a digital stamp creates an ASICE container. Each XML file is placed in a separate digital container. This means that one digital container can contain one XML file.
File names are assigned to the digital container and the file inside as follows:
Message | Name of the ASICE container | Name of the file inside the ASICE container |
Automatic Account Statement | statement.asice | statement.xml |
Account Statement | statement.asice | statement.xml |
Payment Status Report | response.asice | response.xml |
Depending on whether the response is digitally stamped or not, Content_Type in Header of the response may vary accordingly. See more details: Messaging.
Gateway has two environments:
Live base URL is:
Sandbox can be used to test your integrations when on-boarding or also any additional developments. It is technically also very similar to Live environment - the services, messages structure etc. is the same.
Sandbox base URL is:
List of services which are available in the Gateway API.
Generic Services | |||
Communication Test | For testing the connection and credentials (certificates). | GET gateway/api/heartbeat GET gateway/api/heartbeat/mq POST gateway/api/heartbeat | XML |
Messaging | For managing the messages (reading, deleting). | GET gateway/api/messages GET gateway/api/messages/next GET gateway/api/messages/count POST gateway/api/messages/delete | Response varies according to messages |
AIS Services | |||
Account Statement | Getting an account statement or list of transactions for a selected period | POST gateway/api/account-statement | XML camt.060.001.06 / camt.053.001.02 |
Account Balance | Getting account balances | POST gateway/api/account-balance | XML camt.060.001.06 / XML camt.052.001.02 |
Automatic Account Statement | Generated every midnight for the previous twenty-four hours. It's generated for every account separately. For customers with contracts.
| Message in the response table | XML camt.053.001.02 |
Debit Credit Notification | For every transaction a new message will be generated immediately (in the response table).
| Message in the response table | XML camt.054.001.02 |
PIS Services | |||
Payment Initiation | Service for Payment initiation. Service is used to initiate return payments. | POST gateway/api/payment | XML pain.001.001.03 / pain.002.001.12 |
One of the main functions of Coop Pank Gateway is the messaging service. On the database side, it consists of two tables - request table and response table. Customer posts its requests to request table and gets its messages from response table. By default the response table returns oldest unread first. Messaging process consists of three steps: posting a request, getting the response and deleting the response.
Flow of API requests:
POST [base-url]/gateway/api/payment # initiate payment request
GET [base-url]/gateway/api/messages/next # receive response message
# handle message on customer side
DELETE [base-url]/gateway/api/messages/[Message-Response-Id] # delete read message to confirm it's received
POST [base-url]/gateway/api/account-statement # initiate account statement request
GET [base-url]/gateway/api/messages/next # receive response message with account statement data status
# handle message on customer side
DELETE [base-url]/gateway/api/messages/[Message-Response-Id] # delete read message to confirm it's received
POST [base-url]/gateway/api/account-balance # initiate account balance request
GET [base-url]/gateway/api/messages/next # receive response message with account balance data status
# handle message on customer side
DELETE [base-url]/gateway/api/messages/[Message-Response-Id] # delete read message to confirm it's received
GET [base-url]/gateway/api/messages/next # receive the oldest unread/undeleted message
# handle message on customer side
DELETE [base-url]/gateway/api/messages/[Message-Response-Id] # delete read message to confirm it's received
POST [base-url]/gateway/api/payment
POST [base-url]/gateway/api/account-statement
POST [base-url]/gateway/api/account-balance
In response of successful sending of the request in HTTP header Message-Request-Id is returned, for example:
Message-Request-Id: 8743bd85-a917-4e12-9630-af8da25c4735
Every Message-Request-Id has at least one corresponding message-response-id. Some requests may have multiple - for example Payment Initiation.
Message-Request-Id: 8743bd85-a917-4e12-9630-af8da25c4735
For message traffic there are different possibilities.
Get next message
GET [base-url]/gateway/api/messages/next
One can use the following filters and parameters. If no filters/parameters are selected, the oldest unread (undeleted) message is returned
Headers of the response:
When executing the request you can receive following HTTP responses:
Get messages list
GET [base-url]/gateway/api/messages
One can use the following filters and parameters. If no filters/parameters are selected, the list of messages in returned ordered by oldest unread (undeleted) message first and the default limit of messages is 10
Headers of the response:
When executing the request you can receive following HTTP responses:
List of messages is returned in JSon format:
"messageResponseId": "886b106c-d62e-274b-9732-dc15e86c874e",
"messageRequestId": "b84eee42-cb31-4687-8fad-2815ab3bd414",
"messageResponseType": "PAYMENT_INITIATION",
"clientCode": "12345678",
"clientCountry": "EE",
"messageCreatedTime": "2022-09-21T16:29:40.660"
"messageResponseId": "590ab50c-6cd1-f742-8b75-d71eb054b377",
"messageRequestId": "cd0b349b-dec5-4878-8718-60f3f02c6067",
"messageResponseType": "ACCOUNT_STATEMENT",
"clientCode": "12345678",
"clientCountry": "EE",
"messageCreatedTime": "2022-09-22T08:58:40.114"
Read the content of the message
GET [base-url]/gateway/api/messages/{messageResponseId}
To read the content of the message, use this service. MessageResponseId is the same that is returned by the service [base-url]/gateway/api/messages.
Headers of the response:
When executing the request you can receive following HTTP responses:
Get number of unread (undeleted) messages
GET [base-url]/gateway/api/messages/count
Use this service to get the number of pending messages.
Sample response:
"count": 8
Deleting the message = Confirm the successful reading of the message/response
After reading a message it should be deleted promptly, it's so called confirming the reading. For this, use the response id. Note that the service provider can only delete their own messages. If the service provider attempts to delete message they do not own, the system will return HTTP response 404.
DELETE [base-url]/gateway/api/messages/{messageResponseId}
When executing the request you can receive following HTTP responses:
Bulk delete = bulk delete
For deleting the messages there's another option where one can delete multiple messages at a time. This is more useful when used together with List of Messages service. Note that the service provider can only delete their own messages. If the service provider attempts to delete message they do not own, the system will return status code 400 inside the response.
POST [base-url]/gateway/api/messages/delete
Sample body in JSon format:
"messageResponseIds": [
When executing the request you can receive following HTTP responses:
Following status codes can be received for individual messages inside the response:
Response sample:
"messages": [
"messageResponseId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"status": 400
"messageResponseId": "886b106c-d62e-274b-9732-dc15e86c874e",
"status": 200
Depending on the season GMT+2 or GMT+3 time zone is used in Estonia. By default all date and time data uses that.
Precise information is available:
Request's dates
Dates that are specified in requests (for example Account Statement, Account Balance, Payment Initiation) use ISO date format. Only following form "YYYY-MM-DD" is taken into account and all other additions are ignored (for example time zones).
Used format is "YYYY-MM-DD" where:
We use the Windows-1257 code page with mainly supporting Baltic and a list of other European languages. ISO20022 standard messages use UTF-8.
UTF-8 Unicode characters, which are not supported by Windows-1257, will be replaced with "?" symbols. This rule applies to all API services unless stated differently.
For example unstructured payment description submitted in the payment file:
//Submitted by customer
Payment description - личный.
//Sent to the payment scheme
Payment description - ????????.
Service specific errors are returned with following XML file. Errors are mostly returned with descriptions.
1.0 | [1..1] | Errors | <Errors> | |
1.1 | [1..n] | +Error | <Error> | |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++ErrorCode | <ErrorCode> | |
1.3 | [1..1] | ++Description | <Description> | Description text. |
1.4 | [0..1] | ++Field | <Field> | Reference to faulty field. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Request message fails xsd validation</Description>
503 | Service Unavailable | Technical error. |
403 | Forbidden | Authorization or authentication failure. Requested service is not stated in Gateway API agreement, Gateway API agreement is not valid or other failure. |
500 | Internal Server Error | Technical error. |
200 | OK | Request is handled successfully |
202 | Accepted | POST request accepted. |
429 | Too many requests | Max 10 requests per hour per client is allowed. |
GET [base-url]/gateway/api/heartbeat
With heartbeat it's possible to test if system is up and connection certificate is configured correctly. If configured correctly, it returns current system time. One should use for testing some API testing tool (Postman, SOAP UI, cURL). Sample statements is in code box below. Your PEM certificate should be put instead yourcert.crt and yourkey.key should be replaced with key files. If you have certificate with password, you should add password in the curl command after certificate's name yourcert.crt:password
// Sandbox:
curl -X GET "" --cert yourcert.crt --key yourkey.key
// Live:
curl -X GET "" --cert yourcert.crt --key yourkey.key
// Sandbox - for service providers:
curl -X GET "" --cert yourcert.crt --key yourkey.key -H "Client-Code: 012345678" -H "Client-Country: EE"
// Live - for service providers:
curl -X GET "" --cert yourcert.crt --key yourkey.key -H "Client-Code: 012345678" -H "Client-Country: EE"
Sample response
GET [base-url]/gateway/api/heartbeat/mq
It's the same as GET /heartbeat, but the response message will be created in the queue and could be read with GET/messagest/next. Response includes additional user information. This service can be used for simulating the general messaging logic without more complex Account Information or Payments requests.
Sample response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>Test user</Name>
POST [base-url]/gateway/api/heartbeat
This service can be used for testing the ASICE and BDOC requests.
Request must contain digitally signed request.xml file, saved in ASICE or BDOC. Service takes authenticated user info, extracts ASICE or BDOC signature data and request.xml content and creates response xml like shown below.
One can read the response via messaging service GET " ".
Sample response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>Test user</Name>
<Name>Coop Pank</Name>
Account Statement
POST [base-url]/gateway/api/account-statement
Account Statement is used when statement end-date is in the past and it is used to report booked transactions and balances.
With Account Statement one receive the list of transactions, both incoming and outgoing, also payments with added details. Request can be made for the given period for one Customer Account.
For this endpoint the max amount of requests per hour apply - max 10 requests in an hour per every client (not per account).
For Account Statement and Automatic Account Statement message, it is possible to order the digital stamp of Coop Pank, see more details Digital stamp of Coop Pank.
Account Balance
POST [base-url]/gateway/api/account-balance
Account Balance is used for current day statement and it reports intraday transactions and balances (actual and free balance for all the currencies used). Balances are provided real-time on the moment of generating the response. Request can be made for one Customer Account at once.
To request Payment limits info, one can use optional Prtry parameter. Both total and free limits for Daily and Monthly periods are received.
For this endpoint the max amount of requests per hour apply - max 10 requests in an hour per every client (not per account).
XML format (camt.060.001.06)
This description is related to the ISO 20022 Account Report Request camt.060.001.06 XML-based description, which will replace the proprietary electronic account reporting standards used by banks operating in Estonia. One can use it for both Account Statement and Account Balance requests.
The AccountReportingRequest message is sent by the account owner, either directly or through a forwarding agent, to one of its account servicing institutions. It is used to ask the account servicing institution to send a report on the account owner's account in a BankToCustomerAccountReport.
Some values apply for both services and some are specific to either Statements or Balances response only.
Request's Content-Type has to be 'multipart/form-data' and it has to contain XML file in "request" position, with its type also defined as "text/xml".
Example how to create Account Statement Request with Java Apache HttpClient
String xml = """
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.060.001.06">
try (CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
HttpPost request = new HttpPost(gatewayUri + "/account-statement");
.addBinaryBody("request", xml.getBytes(), ContentType.create("text/xml"), "request")
catch (IOException ex) {
Message root
[1..1] | MessageRoot | <AcctRptgReq> |
Group header
1.0 | [1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | |
1.1 | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Unique message identification, generated by Coop Pank. |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | The date and time (UTC+2) of account statement message creation at the bank |
2.0 | [1..1] | +ReportingRequest | <RptgReq> | |
2.1 | [0..1] | ++Identification | <Id> | Unique identification of the account statement, provided by the bank |
2.2 | [1..1] | ++RequestedMessageNameIdentification | <ReqdMsgNmId> | Supported values: 'camt.053.001.02' BankToCustomerStatement - client request POST 'camt.052.001.02' BankToCustomerAccountReport - client request POST |
2.3 | [1..1] | ++Account | <Acct> | |
2.3 | [1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | |
2.3 | [1..1] | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Account number, for what statement is generated |
2.4 | [1..1] | ++AccountOwner | <AcctOwnr> | Account owner information |
2.4 | [1..1] | +++Party | <Pty> | Values are ignored. |
2.8 | [1..1] | ++ReportingPeriod | <RptgPrd> | |
2.9 | [1..1] | +++FromToDate | <FrToDt> | |
2.9 | [1..1] | ++++FromDate | <FrDt> | Account statement from date, ISO date format. FromDate must be smaller than ToDate. For camt.052.001.06 value is ignored and only current day is returned. |
2.9 | [1..1] | ++++ToDate | <ToDt> | Account statement to date, ISO date format. For camt.052.001.06 value is ignored and only current day is returned. |
2.10 | [1..1] | +++FromToTime | <FrToTm> | Not used. |
2.10 | [1..1] | ++++FromTime | <FrTm> | Not used. |
2.10 | [1..1] | ++++ToTime | <ToTm> | Not used. |
2.13 | [1..1] | +++Type | <Tp> | ‘ALLL’ |
2.14 | [0..1] | ++Requested Balance Type | <ReqdBalTp> | Provides details on the requested balance reporting. |
2.14 | [1..1] | +++Code or Proprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | |
2.14 | [1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | Not used |
2.14 | [1..1] | ++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | For Account Statement camt.053: 'DATE': return statement based on FromDate and ToDate only; FromTime and ToTime are ignored, 'DATETIME': return statement with FromTime and ToTime support. |
Account Statement
This is sample request for the account statement for account EE214204200000000000.
Parameters used
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.060.001.06">
Account Balance
This is sample request for the account statement for account EE214204200000000000
Parameters used
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.060.001.06">
Error codes
errStatement_NoAccess | Cannot access the account. |
errStatement_PeriodLong | Too long period. |
errStatement_PeriodInvalid | From date cannot be later than to date. |
errStatement_RequestInvalid | Request message fails xsd validation. |
XML format (ISO 20022 Account Report Message camt.052.001.06)
The ISO 20022 Account Report Message camt.052.001.06 is used for current day balances. Two balances are returned: the actual booked balance without reservations and the actual available balance with reservations. If the current balance is 0 EUR, then it's returned so.
Rate limit - max amount of requests is 10 per hour for each client (not per account).
Header Message-Response-Type: ACCOUNT_BALANCE
Message structure
Group Header - mandatory, occurs once.
Report - mandatory and repetitive per currency. Includes one to many Balance blocks.
Message root
[1..1] | MessageRoot | <BkToCstmrAcctRpt> |
Group header
1.0 | [1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | |
1.1 | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Unique message identifier generated by Coop Pank. |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Date and time when the account statement message is created at Coop Pank. |
1.3 | [0..1] | ++MessageRecipient | <MsgRcpt> | Not used. |
1.4 | [0..1] | ++MessagePagination | <MsgPgntn> | Not used. |
2.0 | [1..n] | +Report | <Rpt> | - repeated for each currency on account - includes balances and transaction data |
2.1 | [1..1] | ++Identification | <Id> | Unique identification of the account statement, provided by the bank (Coop Pank) |
2.4 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | The date and time (UTC+2) of account statement message creation at the bank. |
2.5 | [0..1] | ++FromToDate | <FrToDt> | Period for what statement is generated |
2.5 | [1..1] | +++FromDateTime | <FrDtTm> | Date and time when camt.052.001.06 was generated. |
2.5 | [1..1] | +++ToDateTime | <ToDtTm> | Date and time when camt.052.001.06 was generated. |
2.10 | [1..1] | ++Account | <Acct> | |
2.10 | [1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | |
2.10 | [1..1] | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Account number, for what statement is generated |
2.10 | [0..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | Account currency, for what this statement block is generated. |
2.23 | [0..n] | ++Balance | <Bal> | Report has two balances: current booked balance and current available balance. |
2.24 | [1..1] | +++Type | <Tp> | |
2.25 | [1..1] | ++++CodeOrProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | |
2.26 | [0..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | ITAV for current available balance; ITBD for interim booked balance. |
2.26 | [0..1] | +++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Not used. |
2.34 | [1..1] | +++Amount | <Amt> | Actual balance. |
2.35 | [1..1] | +++CreditDebitIndicator | <CdtDbtInd> | Codes are listed in Code Set: Credit and Debit Code . |
2.36 | [1..1] | +++Date | <Dt> | |
2.36 | [1..1] | ++++Date | <Dt> | Date of the balance. |
2.76 | [0..n] | ++Entry | <Ntry> | Entry data is not returned. |
Sample of Account Balance
Sample account EE214204200000000000 has two balances in EUR (current available and current booked balance).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.052.001.02" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.052.001.02 camt.052.001.02.xsd">
<Amt Ccy="EUR">991946579.49</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">991949579.49</Amt>
XML format (ISO 20022 Account Statement Message camt.053.001.02)
CAMT.053.001.02 is used when statement end-date is in the past and it is used to report booked transactions and balances. Information about the opening balance, the closing balance, and the available balance with all booked transactions of a specified period is included in the message.
It's possible to make a request up to 7 years and 5 days old data.
Header Message-Response-Type: ACCOUNT_STATEMENT
Message structure
Group Header – mandatory, presented once.
Statement – mandatory and repetitive. It should be repeated for each account on which a statement is provided.
Balance – mandatory and repetitive. Contains elements such as Opening Booked Balance and Closing Booked Balance.
Entry – included in the Statement block. Contains information related to an entry on the account.
Entry Details – included in the Entry block. Contains detailed information related to the entry
Message root
[1..1] | MessageRoot | <BkToCstmrStmt> |
Group header
1.0 | [1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | |
1.1 | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Unique message identification, generated by Coop Pank. Maximum length 35 characters. |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | The date and time (UTC+2) of account statement message creation at the bank. |
1.3 | [0..1] | ++MessageRecipient | <MsgRcpt> | Not used. |
1.4 | [0..1] | ++MessagePagination | <MsgPgntn> | Used if the camt-message needs to be divided into several parts. If pagination is not used, each account statement must be a complete account statement including all transactions and initial and final balances. Current pagination limit is 10k transactions. |
1.4 | [0..1] | +++PageNumber | <PgNb> | Sequence number of current paginated long account statement portion. |
1.4 | [0..1] | +++LastPageIndicator | <LastPgInd> | One of the following YesNoIndicator values is used: Meaning When True= Yes Meaning When False= No |
2.0 | [1..n] | +Statement | <Stmt> | ||
2.1 | [1..1] | ++Identification | <Id> | Unique identification of the account statement, provided by the bank . Identification is generated from the value of GrpHdr. MsgId and the currency for which this Statement block is generated. | |
2.2 | [0..1] | ++ElectronicSequenceNumber | <ElctrncSeqNb> | Not used. | |
2.3 | [0..1] | ++LegalSequenceNumber | <LglSeqNb> | Not used. | |
2.4 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | The date and time (UTC+2) | |
2.5 | [1..1] | ++FromToDate | <FrToDt> | Period for what statement is generated | |
2.5 | [1..1] | +++FromDateTime | <FrDtTm> | Start date and time of the reporting period. Time is always start of the day 00:00:00.000. | |
2.5 | [1..1] | +++ToDateTime | <ToDtTm> | End date and time of the reporting period. Time is always end of the day 23:59:59.000. | |
2.10 | [1..1] | ++Account | <Acct> | ||
[1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Account number, for what statement is generated. | ||
[0..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | Account currency for which this statement block is generated. | ||
[0..1] | +++Servicer | <Svcr> | Full information about Coop Pank. | ||
[1..1] | ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | |||
[0..1] | +++++BIC | <BIC> | EKRDEE22 | ||
[0..1] | +++++Name | <Nm> | Coop Pank | ||
[0..1] | +++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++StreetName | <StrtNm> | Maakri | ||
[0..1] | ++++++BuildingNumber | <BldgNb> | 30 | ||
[0..1] | ++++++PostCode | <PstCd> | 15014 | ||
[0..1] | ++++++TownName | <TwnNm> | Tallinn | ||
[0..1] | ++++++CountrySubdivision | <CtrySubDvsn> | Harjumaa | ||
[0..1] | ++++++Country | <Ctry> | EE | ||
2.11 | [0..1] | ++RelatedAccount | <RltdAcct> | Not used. | |
2.23 | [1..n] | ++Balance | <Bal> | ||
2.24 | [1..1] | +++Type | <Tp> | ||
2.25 | [1..1] | ++++CodeOrProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | ||
2.26 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | Codes are listed in Code Set: Balance. | |
2.31 | [0..1] | +++CreditLine | <CdtLine> | Not used. | |
2.34 | [1..1] | +++Amount | <Amt> | Balance amount. | |
2.35 | [1..1] | +++CreditDebitIndicator | <CdtDbtInd> | Codes are listed in Code Set: Credit and Debit Code . | |
[1..1] | ++++Date | <Dt> | Balance date | ||
2.43 | [1..1] | ++TransactionsSummary | <TxsSummry> | ||
2.44 | [0..1] | +++TotalEntries | <TtlNtries> | Not used. | |
2.49 | [1..1] | +++TotalCreditEntries | <TtlCdtNtries> | ||
2.50 | [0..1] | ++++NumberOfEntries | <NbOfNtries> | Number of credit entries in a given Statement block. | |
2.51 | [1..1] | ++++Sum | <Sum> | Sum of all credit entries in a given statement block. | |
2.52 | [1..1] | +++TotalDebitEntries | <TtlDbtNtries> | ||
2.53 | [0..1] | ++++NumberOfEntries | <NbOfNtries> | Number of debit ebtries in a given Statement block. | |
2.54 | [1..1] | ++++Sum | <Sum> | Sum of all debit entries in a given Statement block. | |
2.76 | [0..n] | ++Entry | <Ntry> | ||
2.77 | [0..1] | +++EntryReference | <NtryRef> | Not used. | |
2.78 | [1..1] | +++Amount | <Amt> | Transaction amount (may be zero). | |
2.79 | [1..1] | +++CreditDebitIndicator | <CdtDbtInd> | Codes are listed in Code Set: Credit and Debit Code . | |
2.80 | [0..1] | +++ReversalIndicator | <RvslInd> | True (1) if credit transaction is return of payment | |
2.81 | [1..1] | +++Status | <Sts> | BOOK | |
2.82 | [1..1] | +++BookingDate | <BookgDt> | ||
[1..1] | ++++Date | <Dt> | Booking date. | ||
2.83 | [0..1] | +++ValueDate | <ValDt> | Not used. | |
[1..1] | ++++Date | <Dt> | |||
2.84 | [1..1] | +++AccountServicerReference | <AcctSvcrRef> | Unique payment ID assigned by the bank. | |
2.91 | [1..1] | +++BankTransactionCode | <BkTxCd> | ||
2.92 | [1..1] | ++++Domain | <Domn> | ||
2.93 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | Codes are listed in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes . | |
2.94 | [1..1] | +++++Family | <Fmly> | ||
2.95 | [1..1] | ++++++Code | <Cd> | Codes are listed in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.96 | [1..1] | ++++++SubFamilyCode | <SubFmlyCd> | Codes are listed in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.97 | [0..1] | ++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
3.21 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | Payment scheme code - Code Set: Payment scheme. | |
2.101 | [0..1] | +++AdditionalInformationIndicator | <AddtlInfInd> | Not used. | |
2.135 | [1..n] | +++EntryDetails | <NtryDtls> | ||
2.136 | [0..1] | ++++Batch | <Btch> | Not used. | |
2.142 | [0..n] | ++++TransactionDetails | <TxDtls> | ||
2.143 | [1..1] | +++++References | <Refs> | ||
2.144 | [0..1] | ++++++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Not used. | |
2.145 | [0..1] | ++++++AccountServicerReference | <AcctSvcrRef> | Unique payment ID assigned by the bank. | |
2.146 | [0..1] | ++++++PaymentInformationIdentification | <PmtInfId> | Unique identification assigned by a sending party. For outgoing payments reference to the original payment initiation message value PmtInf.PmtInfId. | |
2.147 | [0..1] | ++++++InstructionIdentification | <InstrId> | Payment order number. | |
2.148 | [0..1] | ++++++EndToEndIdentification | <EndToEndId> | ||
2.149 | [0..1] | ++++++TransactionIdentification | <TxId> | Not used. | |
2.199 | [0..1] | +++++RelatedParties | <RltdPties> | ||
2.200 | [0..1] | ++++++InitiatingParty | <InitgPty> | Not used. | |
2.201 | [0..1] | ++++++Remitter | <Dbtr> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Remitter’s name. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++Country | <Ctry> | Remitter’s country ISO code. | ||
[0..7] | ++++++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Remitter’s address. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Remitter’s BIC or BEI. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Remitter’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Remitter’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Remitter’s city of birth. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Remitter’s country of birth. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Remitter’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | List of supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.202 | [0..1] | ++++++RemitterAccount | <DbtrAcct> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Remitter’s IBAN. | |
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Identification | <Id> | Remitter’s bank account number which is not IBAN. | ||
2.203 | [0..1] | ++++++UltimateRemitter | <UltmtDbtr> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate remitter’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate remitter’s BIC or BEI. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate remitter’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate remitter’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate remitter’s city of birth. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate remitter’s country of birth. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate remitter’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | List of supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.204 | [0..1] | ++++++Beneficiary | <Cdtr> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Beneficiary’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++Country | <Ctry> | Beneficiary’s country ISO code. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Beneficiary’s address. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Beneficiary’s BIC or BEI. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Beneficiary’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Beneficiary’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Beneficiary’s city of birth. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Beneficiary’s country of birth. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Beneficiary’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | List of supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.205 | [0..1] | ++++++BeneficiaryAccount | <CdtrAcct> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[0..1] | {Or | ++++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Beneficiary’s IBAN. | |
[0..1] | Or} | ++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Identification | <Id> | Beneficiary’s account number which is not IBAN. | ||
2.206 | [0..1] | ++++++UltimateBeneficiary | <UltmtCdtr> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate beneficiary’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate beneficiary’s BIC or BEI. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate beneficiary’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[0..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate beneficiary’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate beneficiary’s city of birth. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate beneficiary’s country of birth. | ||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate beneficiary’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | List of supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.211 | [0..1] | +++++RelatedAgents | <RltdAgts> | ||
2.212 | [0..1] | ++++++RemitterAgent | <DbtrAgt> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++BIC | <BIC> | BIC of the remitter’s bank. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++Name | <Nm> | Name of the remitter’s bank. | ||
2.213 | [0..1] | ++++++BeneficiaryAgent | <CdtrAgt> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++BIC | <BIC> | BIC of the beneficiary’s bank. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++Name | <Nm> | Name of the beneficiary’s bank. | ||
2.214 | [0..1] | ++++++IntermediaryAgent1 | <IntrmyAgt1> | Not used. | |
2.215 | [0..1] | ++++++IntermediaryAgent2 | <IntrmyAgt2> | Not used. | |
2.216 | [0..1] | ++++++IntermediaryAgent3 | <IntrmyAgt3> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++BIC | <BIC> | BIC of the beneficiary’s correspondent bank. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++Name | <Nm> | Name of the beneficiary’s correspondent bank. | ||
2.224 | [0..1] | +++++Purpose | <Purp> | ||
2.225 | [1..1] | {Or | ++++++Code | <Cd> | List of codes in Code Set: Purpose. |
2.226 | [1..1] | Or} | ++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | |
2.227 | [0..10] | +++++RelatedRemittanceInformation | <RltdRmtInf> | Not used. | |
2.234 | [0..1] | +++++RemittanceInformation | <RmtInf> | ||
2.235 | [0..n] | ++++++Unstructured | <Ustrd> | Payment description. | |
2.236 | [0..n] | ++++++Structured | <Strd> | ||
2.256 | [0..n] | +++++++BeneficiaryReferenceInformation | <CdtrRefInf> | ||
2.257 | [0..1] | ++++++++Type | <Tp> | ||
2.258 | [1..1] | +++++++++CodeOrProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | ||
2.259 | [1..1] | {Or | ++++++++++Code | <Cd> | SCOR |
2.260 | [1..1] | Or} | ++++++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | |
2.261 | [0..1] | +++++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
2.262 | [0..1] | ++++++++Reference | <Ref> | Payment reference number. | |
2.293 | [0..1] | +++++ReturnInformation | <RtrInf> | Return information. | |
2.304 | [0..1] | ++++++Reason | <Rsn> | ||
2.305 | [1..1] | {Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | NARR if AdditionalInformation is filled. |
2.306 | [1..1] | Or} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | |
2.307 | [0..n] | ++++++AdditionalInformation | <AddtlInf> | Used with Reason/Code NARR. For returned payment reference to original payment message PAIN.001.001.03 PmtInfId value. Coop Pank doesn't use the payment scheme return codes, the human readable messages are returned instead. |
Sample of Account Statement
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02 camt.053.001.02.xsd">
<Nm>TEST OÜ</Nm>
<Nm>Coop Pank AS</Nm>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">30000.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">33515.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">3000.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">3000.00</Amt>
<Nm>Coop Pank AS</Nm>
<Ustrd>Laekumine testimiseks 1</Ustrd>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">500.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">500.00</Amt>
<Nm>Coop Pank AS</Nm>
<Ustrd>Laekumine testimiseks 2</Ustrd>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">20.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">20.00</Amt>
<Nm>Coop Pank AS</Nm>
<Ustrd>Laekumine testimiseks 3</Ustrd>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">5.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">5.00</Amt>
<Nm>TEST OÜ</Nm>
<Nm>Coop Pank AS</Nm>
<Ustrd>Makse testimiseks 1</Ustrd>
For long account statements containing larger number of transactions pagination can be used - one Account Statement response receives more than one response in the queue. Currently the pagination limit per message is 10 000 transactions. Total amount of transactions in any response is 100 000 - in 10 separate response messages. Layout of first message header:
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02 camt.053.001.02.xsd">
Layout of second and final message header:
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02 camt.053.001.02.xsd">
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02 camt.053.001.02.xsd">
XML format (ISO 20022 Bank To Customer Debit Credit Notification camt.054.001.02)
CAMT.054.001.02 Bank To Customer Debit Credit Notification is used to report single booked entry. The customer can recieve either debit or credit notifications or both, depending on the contract.
No balance information is included.
Header Message-Response-Type: CREDIT_DEBIT_NOTIFICATION
Message structure
Debit Credit Notification message does not include the Message-Request-Id HTTP header!
Group Header – mandatory, preseneted once.
Notificaton – required for every account and currency. Repetitive per account number and currency. One notification block can include many entries.
Entry – optional and repetitive. Contains information about single entry.
1.0 | [1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | ||
1.1 | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Unique message identification generated by Coop Pank. | |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | The date and time (UTC+2) of message creation at the bank. | |
2.0 | [1..n] | +Notification | <Ntfctn> | ||
2.1 | [1..1] | ++Identification | <Id> | Unique identification of the notification provided by the Coop Pank. | |
2.4 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | The date and time (UTC+2). | |
2.10 | [1..1] | ++Account | <Acct> | ||
[1..1] | +++ Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Account number (IBAN), for what notification is generated. | ||
[1..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | Account currency, for what this notification block is generated. | ||
[0..1] | +++Owner | <Ownr> | Account owner information. | ||
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Name of the account owner. | ||
[1..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | Legal customer registry code or private customer personal code. | ||
[1..1] | {Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Organization’s legal registry code. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Private customer's legal personal code. | ||
[1..1] | +++Servicer | <Svcr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++BIC | <BIC> | EKRDEE22 | ||
[1..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Coop Pank | ||
2.56 | [0..n] | ++Entry | <Ntry> | Only booked transactions are reported. | |
2.58 | [1..1] | +++Amount | <Amt Ccy="XXX"></Amt> | Transaction amount (may be zero). | |
2.59 | [1..1] | +++CreditDebitIndicator | <CdtDbtInd> | Code Set: Credit and debit code . Zero amount is considered a credit amount. | |
2.60 | [0..1] | +++ReversalIndicator | <RvslInd> | Used in case Entry is a reversal. If CdtDbtInd is ’CRDT’ and RvslInd is ’true’ the original entry was a debit. | |
2.61 | [1..1] | +++Status | <Sts> | BOOK | |
2.62 | [1..1] | +++BookingDate | <BookgDt> | Booking date | |
[1..1] | ++++Date | <Dt> | Transaction date | ||
2.64 | [1..1] | +++AccountServicerReference | <AcctSvcrRef> | Coop Pank's reference to identify the entry. | |
2.71 | [1..1] | +++BankTransactionCode | <BkTxCd> | ||
2.72 | [1..1] | ++++Domain | <Domn> | ||
2.73 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | See the codes in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.74 | [1..1] | +++++Family | <Fmly> | ||
2.75 | [1..1] | ++++++Code | <Cd> | See the codes in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.76 | [1..1] | ++++++SubFamilyCode | <SubFmlyCd> | See the codes in Code Set: Bank Transaction Codes. | |
2.77 | [0..1] | ++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | This is used only when payment is made via Banklink. | |
3.78 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | Payment scheme code - Code Set: Payment scheme. | |
2.115 | [1..n] | +++EntryDetails | <NtryDtls> | ||
2.122 | [1..n] | ++++TransactionDetails | <TxDtls> | Used to provide information on the single transaction | |
2.123 | [1..1] | +++++References | <Refs> | ||
2.125 | [0..1] | ++++++AccountServicerReference | <AcctSvcrRef> | Coop Pank's reference to identify the entry. Same as in field 2.64 | |
2.126 | [0..1] | ++++++PaymentInformationIdentification | <PmtInfId> | Referencing the payment information id in the pain.001 (2.1 <PmntInfId>) | |
2.127 | [0..1] | ++++++InstructionIdentification | <InstrId> | Payment order number. | |
2.128 | [0..1] | ++++++EndToEndIdentification | <EndToEndId> | ||
2.136 | [1..1] | +++++AmountDetails | <AmtDtls> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++Amount | <Amt Ccy="XXX"></Amt> | Transaction amount (may be zero). | ||
2.179 | [0..1] | +++++RelatedParties | <RltdPties> | ||
2.181 | [0..1] | ++++++Debtor | <Dbtr> | Reported in case of incoming payments. | |
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Remitter’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++Country | <Ctry> | Remitter’s country ISO code. | ||
[0..7] | ++++++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Remitter’s address. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | {{ Or | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Remitter’s BIC or BEI. | |
[0..n] | Or}} | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Remitter’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++Issuer | <Issr> | |||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | Personal code of the debtor. | |
[0..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | |||
[0..n] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Remitter’s personal code. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.182 | [0..1] | ++++++DebtorAccount | <DbtrAcct> | Reported in case of incoming payments. | |
+++++++Identification | <Id> | ||||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Remitter’s IBAN for credit transaction. | |
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
2.183 | [0..1] | ++++++UltimateDebtor | <UltmtDbtr> | In case of incoming payments reported if available. In case of outgoing payments referencing the ultimate debtor in pain.001 | |
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate remitter’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[0..7] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | {{ Or | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate remitter’s BIC or BEI. | |
[1..1] | Or}} | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate remitter’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate remitter’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate remitter’s city of birth. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate remitter’s country of birth. | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate remitter’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.184 | [0..1] | ++++++Creditor | <Cdtr> | Reported in case of outgoing payments as sent to the bank in pain.001 or in other payment instruction. | |
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Beneficiary’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++Country | <Ctry> | Remitter’s country ISO code. | ||
[0..7] | ++++++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Remitter’s address. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[0..7] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | {{ Or | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Beneficiary’s BIC or BEI. | |
[1..1] | Or}} | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Beneficiary’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Beneficiary’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Beneficiary’s city of birth. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Beneficiary’s country of birth. | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Beneficiary’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | ||
2.185 | ++++++CreditorAccount | <CdtrAcct> | Reported in case of outgoing payments. | ||
+++++++Identification | <Id> | ||||
[1..1] | {Or | ++++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Beneficiary’s IBAN for debit transaction. | |
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Identification | <Id> | Beneficiary’s account number which is not IBAN. | ||
2.186 | [0..1] | ++++++UltimateCreditor | <UltmtCdtr> | In case of incoming payments reported if available. In case of outgoing payments referencing the ultimate creditor in pain.001 | |
[0..1] | +++++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate beneficiary’s name. | ||
[0..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | |||
[0..7] | {Or | ++++++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
[0..1] | {{ Or | +++++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate beneficiary’s BIC or BEI. | |
[1..1] | Or}} | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate beneficiary’s identification. | ||
[1..1] | Or} | ++++++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | |||
[0..1] | ++++++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate beneficiary’s birth date. | ||
[1..1] | ++++++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate beneficiary’s city of birth. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate beneficiary’s country of birth. | ||
[1..1] | +++++++++Other | <Othr> | |||
[1..1] | ++++++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate beneficiary’s identification. | ||
[0..1] | ++++++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | |||
[1..1] | +++++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification | ||
2.191 | +++++RelatedAgents | <RltdAgts> | |||
2.192 | ++++++DebtorAgent | <DbtrAgt> | Reported in case of incoming payment and if BIC is used. | ||
+++++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||||
++++++++BIC | <BIC> | BIC of the remitter’s bank. | |||
++++++++Name | <Nm> | Name of the remitter’s bank. | |||
2.193 | ++++++CreditorAgent | <CdtrAgt> | Reported in case of outgoing payment and if BIC is used. | ||
+++++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||||
++++++++BIC | <BIC> | BIC of the beneficiary’s bank. | |||
++++++++Name | <Nm> | Name of the beneficiary’s bank. | |||
2.204 | +++++Purpose | <Purp> | In case of incoming payments reported if available. In case of outgoing payments referencing the purpose in pain.001 | ||
2.205 | ++++++Code | <Cd> | See the codes in Code Set: Purpose | ||
2.206 | ++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | |||
2.214 | +++++RemittanceInformation | <RmtInf> | In case of incoming payments reported if available. In case of outgoing payments referencing the remittance information in pain.001 or other payment instruction. | ||
2.215 | ++++++Unstructured | <Ustrd> | Unstructured payment details. | ||
2.216 | ++++++Structured | <Strd> | |||
2.236 | +++++++CreditorReferenceInformation | <CdtrRefInf> | |||
2.237 | ++++++++Type | <Tp> | |||
2.238 | +++++++++CodeOrProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | |||
2.239 | ++++++++++Code | <Cd> | |||
2.240 | ++++++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | |||
2.241 | +++++++++Issuer | <Issr> | |||
2.242 | ++++++++Reference | <Ref> | Payment reference number. | ||
2.273 | [0..1] | +++++ReturnInformation | <RtrInf> | Return information. | |
2.284 | [0..1] | ++++++Reason | <Rsn> | ||
2.285 | [1..1] | {Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | NARR if AdditionalInformation is filled. |
2.286 | [1..1] | Or} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | |
2.287 | [0..n] | ++++++AdditionalInformation | <AddtlInf> | Used with Reason/Code NARR. For returned payment reference to orignal payment message PAIN.001.001.03 PmtInfId value. Additional rows with format CD:NNNNNNNN refer to payment scheme specific return code |
Sample of debit notification
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.054.001.02" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.054.001.02 camt.054.001.02.xsd">
<Nm>Testimiseks OÜ</Nm>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">25.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">25.00</Amt>
Sample of credit notification
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.054.001.02" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.054.001.02 camt.054.001.02.xsd">
<Nm>XXXX OÜ</Nm>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">25.00</Amt>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">25.00</Amt>
<Nm>Testimiseks OÜ</Nm>
Debit and/or Credit Notifications can be tested in Sandbox environment.
Debit Notification message informs the account holder of the debit entry or transaction that has been applied to their account. Debit Notification message is sent as a response message to Payment Initiation Request. Debit Notification message in Sandbox environment is composed independently of other services (e.g. Account Statement, Account Balance etc.), meaning that Debit Notification's transactions are sample transactions that are not reflected in other types of messages.
A Debit Notification example message will be returned as a response message to Payment Initiation Request. However, the availability of the notification depends on the specific services included in the Coop Pank Gateway contract.
Dynamic Value Replacement
When Debit Notification is generated, certain dynamic values within the message are replaced. These dynamic elements include:
Credit Notification message informs the account holder of the incoming funds. For testing purposes in Sandbox, Credit Notification message is sent as a response message to Payment Initiation Request, so that it can be managed through Payment Initiation Request what type of Credit Notification message example is received. Credit Notification message in Sandbox environment is composed independently of other services (e.g. Account Statement, Account Balance etc.), meaning that Credit Notification's transactions are sample transactions that are not reflected in other types of messages. Credit Notification message examples in Sandbox:
A Credit Notification example message will be returned as a response message to Payment Initiation Request only if <Ustrd> element in the Payment Initiation XML contains one of the specified values. A specific example message is retrieved based on the value provided in the <Ustrd> element in the Payment Initiation XML, which is located within <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> (CustomerCreditTransferInitiation) section of the XML message structure, specifically under <PmtInf> (PaymentInformation) → <CdtTrfTxInf> (CreditTransferTransactionInformation) → <RmtInf> (RemittanceInformation).
The <Ustrd> element should be set to one of the following values to receive corresponding Credit Notification example message:
Dynamic Value Replacement
When Credit Notification is generated, certain dynamic values within the message are replaced. These dynamic elements include:
Service for executing payments.
POST [base-url]/gateway/api/payment
Coop Pank uses the request message format: Customer to bank Payment Initiation (XML new type pain.001.001.09 and old type pain.001.001.03) and it covers SEPA, SEPA Instant, Internal and SWIFT Payments.
One payment initiation message may contain multiple single payments.
For the status of imported payments Coop Pank returns Payment Status Report (XML type pain.002.001.12). One payment may have one to many statuses.
Every payment should be confirmed by the customer, most of them by using Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). This requirement comes from the Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2).
Gateway API currently supports the following two options and the client himself can choose which one to use.
Pending Payments
Format for payment files: XML. Payment files will be processed and debited from the account after confirmation, not instantly. Payments must be confirmed in the Internet bank or in mobile application under Pending payments section and can be signed and confirmed only there. Internet Bank daily and monthly limits apply. At first the signer's personal limit (A limit) is taken in account. If it's not enough, the shared limit (A+A limit) will be used.
header Content-Type: application/xml
Signed Payments in DigiDoc Container
Estonian standard for payment files are BDOC or ASIC-E container. Internet bank daily and monthly limits and signature rights apply. If more than one signature is necessary to sign the payment, all signatures must be included in the container. Limit usage is taken into account for every signer - the requested amount is subtracted from every signer's limit.
A legal entity can transfer payment files with the company's digital stamp (e-Seal). The bank only accepts qualified digital stamps issued by SK ID Solutions AS (SK) - FIPS and QSCD, in which the identity of the certificate user has been identified. The company is subject to daily and monthly limits for transferring payment files with a digital stamp within the Gateway product (limits are stated in Coop Pank Gateway contract). A legal entity that uses a company's digital stamp must have defined daily and monthly limits applicable to the company, against which payments transmitted with a digital stamp are checked. A legal entity can authorize another legal entity to make payments from its account using its own digital stamp - if interested in using this option, please inform your Business Client Manager.
header Content-Type: application/vnd.etsi.asic-e+zip
XML file should be named "request.xml". This file should be put into the BDOC or ASIC-E container and added required signature(s). Signed container has to be put into the body of the message. Internet Bank daily and monthly limits apply. At first the signer's personal limit (A limit) is taken in account. If it's not enough, the shared limit (A+A limit) will be used. The same process will apply for all the signatures added to the container.
Gateway API currently supports following payment schemes:
Only automatic payment scheme selection decisions can be done.
Clearing times and limitations
European Payment (Instant, SEPA) | EUR | EEA | SLEV |
Cross Border Payment (Swift) | EEA Currency | EEA | SHAR |
Cross Border Payment (Swift) | Non EEA Currency | EEA | SHAR |
Cross Border Payment (Swift) | EEA + Non EEA Currency | Non EEA | SHAR, DEBT |
More information could be found on Coop Pank's webpage under Payment section.
Coop Pank is using custom version of pain.001.001.09.xsd
Request's Content-Type has to be 'multipart/form-data' and it has to contain XML file in "request" position, with its type also defined as "application/xml" or "application/vnd.etsi.asic-e+zip".
XML rules
Multiplicity (MULT.) informs how many times an element can or must be used, as defined by ISO standard.
Message structure
Group Header – mandatory, occurs once.
Payment Information – mandatory and repetitive. Contains information related to mostly the debit side of the payment.
Credit Transfer Transaction Information – mandatory and repetitive. Contains information related to the payment(s) included in the message.
Message root
[1..1] | +MessageRoot | <Document><CstmrCdtTrfInitn> |
Group header
2.4.1 | [1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | || | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Originator’s unique identifier of the submitted file. | | | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Date and time at which the file was created. | | | [1..1] | ++NumberOfTransactions | <NbOfTxs> | Number of individual transactions contained in the file. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | | | [1..1] | ++ControlSum | <CtrlSum> | Total of all individual amounts included in the file, irrespective of currencies. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | | | [1..1] | ++InitiatingParty | <InitgPty> | Party initiating the payment to an agent. In the payment context, this can either be the debtor or a party that initiates the payment on behalf of the debtor or creditor. | | | [0..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Initiating party name. | | | [0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | See the address structure and details here. | | | [0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | || | [1..1] | {Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | | | [0..1] | +++++AnyBIC | <AnyBIC> | Initiating party BIC code. | | | [0..1] | +++++LEI | <LEI> | Legal entity identification. | | | [0..n] | +++++Other | <Othr> | || | [1..1] | Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | | | [0..1] | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | || | [1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | || | [0..1] | ++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | || | [1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | || | [1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | || | [0..1] | +++CountryOfResidence | <CtryOfRes> | Initiating party country of residence. | | | [0..1] | +++ContactDetails | <CtctDtls> | || | [0..1] | ++ForwardingAgent | <FwdgAgt> | Financial institution that receives the instruction from the initiating party and forwards it to the next agent in the payment chain for execution. | | | [1..1] | +++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | || | [0..1] | ++++BICFI | <BICFI> | Forwarding agent BIC (Business identifier code) code. | | | [0..1] | ++++LEI | <LEI> | Legal entity identifier. | | | [0..1] | ++++Other | <Othr> | Unique identification of an agent. | | | [0..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Name by which an agent is known. | | | [0..1] | ++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | Information that locates and identifies a specific address. |
Payment information
2.4.2 | [1..n] | +PaymentInformation | <PmtInf> | ||| | [1..1] | ++PaymentInformationIdentification | <PmtInfId> | Unique identification to unambiguously identify the payment information group within the message. | || | [1..1] | ++PaymentMethod | <PmtMtd> | Only the value TRF (credit transfer) is allowed here. If any other value is entered, it will be ignored. | || | [0..1] | ++BatchBooking | <BtchBookg> |
should be valued "true" and Category Purpose Code [index 2.15] should be "SALA", "SSBE" or "PENS". If the Category Purpose Code is left blank, the payment description will display just Batch payment. If the code is filled then corresponding text is displayed according to the list Code Set: Category purpose. In case of Bulk payment, the <BtchBookg> should be valued "false". | || | [0..1] | ++NumberOfTransactions | <NbOfTxs> | Populate with number of transactions in batch. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | || | [0..1] | ++ControlSum | <CtrlSum> | Total of all individual amounts included in the batch. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | || | [0..1] | ++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | ||| | [0..1] | +++InstructionPriority | <InstrPrty> | ||| | [0..n] | +++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | ||| | [1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | ||| | [0..1] | +++LocalInstrument | <LclInstrm> | ||| | [1..1] | {Or | ++++Code | <Cd> | Specifies the local instrument, as published in an external local instrument code list. | | | [1..1] | Or} | ++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Payment priority information is not used in Coop Pank. | | | [0..1] | +++CategoryPurpose | <CtgyPurp> | ||| | [1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Category Purpose. | || | [1..1] | ++Requested Execution Date | <ReqdExctnDt> | Date on which the remitter’s account is debited. | || | [1..1] | {Or | +++Date | <Dt> | Specified date. | | | [1..1] | Or} | +++DateTime | <DtTm> | RSpecified date and time. | | | [1..1] | ++Debtor | <Dbtr> | Party from whose account the amount of payment is to be debited. If a different party’s information is entered, it will be ignored. | || | [0..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Debtor’s name. For indirect agent - the holder name (not the master account owner). Debtor name is mandatory if payment is initiated from indirect agent's existing accounts. | || | [0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | See the address structure and details here. If payment is initiated with indirect agent's existing accounts, following rule applies: (Town Name and Country) or (Country and Address Line) are required. | || | [0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||| | [1..1] | {Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | || | [0..1] | +++++AnyBIC | <AnyBIC> | Debtor’s BIC code. | || | [0..1] | +++++LEI | <LEI> | Legal entity identification. | || | [0..n] | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||| | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Organisation’s identification code. | || | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||| | [1..1] | {{ Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | | | [1..1] | Or}} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | || | [1..1] | Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | || | [0..1] | Or} | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | || | [1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Debtor’s birth date. | || | [0..1] | ++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | ||| | [1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | ||| | [1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | ||| | [1..n] | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | || | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Debtor’s identification code. | || | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||| | [1..1] | {Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | | | [1..1] | {Or | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | || | [0..1] | ++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||| | [1..1] | ++DebtorAccount | <DbtrAcct> | Debtor’s account. | || | [1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||| | [1..1] | {Or | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Debtor’s IBAN or Virtual IBAN. | | | [1..1] | Or} | ++++Other | <Othr> | Debtor's non-IBAN account number. | | | [1..1] | +++++Identification | <Id> | Account number. | || | [0..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | Not required to be filled in. The payment will be made in the currency of the payment amount. If there are not enough funds available on the account, a relevant error message will appear. | || | [1..1] | ++ DebtorAgent | <DbtrAgt> | Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor. | || | [1..1] | +++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||| | [0..1] | ++++BICFI | <BICFI> | If the BICFI is faulty or missing, it will be replaced with the correct code. | || | [0..1] | ++++LEI | <LEI> | Legal entity identifier. | || | [0..1] | ++++Other | <Othr> | ||| | [0..1] | ++UltimateDebtor | <UltmtDbtr> | Used for SEPA payments. Third party acting as the actual owner of the funds or initiating the payment. If ultimate remitter information is filled in at the Payment Information level, it will apply to all payments included in this block. Usage rule: Only to be used if different from the beneficiary. | || | [0..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate debtor’s name. | || | [0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | Ultimate debtor's postal address. See the address structure and details here. | || | [0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||| | {Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||| | [0..1] | ++++++AnyBIC | <AnyBIC> | UltimateDebtor’s BIC code. | || | [0..1] | +++++LEI | <LEI> | Legal entity identification. | || | [0..n] | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||| | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Organisation’s identification code. | || | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||| | [1..1] | {{ Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | | | [1..1] | Or}} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | || | Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||| | [0..1] | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||| | [1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate debtor’s birth date. | || | [0..1] | ++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s province of birth. | || | [1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s city of birth. | || | [1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s birth country (ISO code). | || | [1..n] | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | || | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate debtor’s identification code. | || | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||| | [1..1] | {Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | | | [1..1] | Or} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | || | [0..1] | ++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||| | [0..1] | +++CountryOfResidence | <CtryOfRes> | Ultimate debtor’s country of residence. | || | [0..1] | ++ChargesBearer | <ChrgBr> | See the supported values in Code Set: Charges Bearer. | || | [0..1] | ++ChargesAccount | <ChrgsAcct> | Coop Pank does not support charge debiting from other than debtor’s account. | || | [1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||| | [1..1] | {Or | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | || | [1..1] | Or} | ++++Other | <Othr> | || | [1..1] | +++++Identification | <Id> | ||| | [0..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | ||| | [1..n] | ++CreditTransferTransactionInformation | <CdtTrfTxInf> | This block contains a set of elements providing information on the payment(s) included in the message. | || | [1..1] | +++PaymentIdentification | <PmtId> | ||| | [0..1] | ++++InstructionIdentification | <InstrId> | Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to unambiguously identify the instruction. | || | [1..1] | ++++EndToEndIdentification | <EndToEndId> | Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unambiguously identify the transaction. | || | [0..1] | ++++UETR | <UETR> | Universally unique identifier to provide an end-to-end reference of a payment transaction. Reference in UUIDv4 format. | || | [0..1] | +++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | Set of elements used to specify the type of payment. | || | [1..1] | ++++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | Agreement of rules according to which the payment must be processed. Pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions apply. | || | [1..1] | +++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as a proprietary code. Allowed values: INST, SEPA, FAST, ALL - equals as uploaded without interface type. Other values return validation error. | || | [0..1] | ++++LocalInstrument | <LclInstrm> | ||| | [1..1] | {Or | +++++Code | <Cd> | || | [1..1] | Or} | +++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Not used in Coop Pank. | | | [0..1] | ++++CategoryPurpose | <CtgyPurp> | ||| | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Category Purpose. | || | [1..1] | +++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Not used in Coop Pank. | || | [1..1] | +++Amount | <Amt> | ||| | {Or | ++++InstructedAmount | <InstdAmt> | Payment amount and the currency ordered by the initiating party. All currencies accepted by the bank for payment services are allowed. If there are not enough funds available on the account in a given currency, a relevant error message will appear. | || | Or} | ++++EquivalentAmount | <EqvtAmt> | Not used. | || | [0..1] | +++ChargeBearer | <ChrgBr> | See the supported values in Code Set: Charges Bearer. | || | [0..1] | ++UltimateDebtor | <UltmtDbtr> | Used for SEPA payments. Third party acting as the actual owner of the funds or initiating the payment. If ultimate debtor information is filled in at the Credit Transfer Transaction Information level, it will apply only to the current payment. Usage rule: Only to be used if different from the debtor. | || | [0..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate debtor’s name. | || | [0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | Ultimate debtor's postal address. See the address structure and details here. | || | [0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||| | {Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||| | [0..1] | ++++++AnyBIC | <AnyBIC> | Ultimate Debtor’s BIC code. | || | [0..1] | +++++LEI | <LEI> | Legal entity identification. | || | [0..n] | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||| | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Organisation’s identification code. | || | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||| | [1..1] | {{ Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | | | [1..1] | Or}} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | || | Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||| | [0..1] | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||| | [1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate debtor’s birth date. | || | [0..1] | ++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s province of birth. | || | [1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s city of birth. | || | [1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate debtor’s birth country (ISO code). | || | [1..n] | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | || | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate debtor’s identification code. | || | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||| | [1..1] | {Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | | | [1..1] | Or} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | || | [0..1] | ++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||| | [0..1] | +++CountryOfResidence | <CtryOfRes> | Ultimate debtor’s country of residence. | || | [0..1] | +++IntermediaryAgent1 | <IntrmyAgt1> | Information about the creditor’s bank’s correspondent bank. Used for foreign payments. | || | [1..1] | ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||| | [0..1] | +++++BICFI | <BICFI> | Bank’s BIC code. | || | [0..1] | +++++LEI | <LEI> | Legal entity identifier | || | [0..1] | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||| | [0..1] | +++++ClearingSystemMemberIdentification | <ClrSysMmbId> | ||| | [0..1] | ++++++ClearingSystemIdentification | <ClrSysId> | ||| | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | For the clearing system’s identification code see the External Code Sets spreadsheet on the ISO website. | || | [1..1] | ++++++MemberIdentification | <MmbId> | Creditor’s bank identification in a clearing system. | || | [0..1] | +++++Name | <Nm> | Creditor's bank name. Used when the BIC or the clearing system’s member identification is not known to the initiating party. | || | [0..1] | +++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | See the address structure and details here. | || | [0..1] | +++IntermediaryAgent1Account | <IntrmyAgt1Acct> | Not used. | || | [0..1] | +++CreditorAgent | <CdtrAgt> | ||| | [1..1] | ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||| | [0..1] | +++++BICFI | <BICFI> | Creditor’s bank’s BIC. | || | [0..1] | +++++LEI | <LEI> | Legal entity identifier | || | [0..1] | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||| | [0..1] | +++++ClearingSystemMemberIdentification | <ClrSysMmbId> | ||| | [0..1] | ++++++ClearingSystemIdentification | <ClrSysId> | ||| | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | For the clearing system’s identification code see the External Code Sets spreadsheet on the ISO website. | || | [1..1] | ++++++MemberIdentification | <MmbId> | Creditor’s bank identification in a clearing system. | || | [0..1] | +++++Name | <Nm> | Creditor's bank name. Used when the BIC or the clearing system’s member identification is not known to the initiating party. | || | [0..1] | +++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | See the address structure and details here. | || | [0..1] | +++CreditorAgentAccount | <CdtrAgtAcct> | ||| | [1..1] | +++Creditor | <Cdt> | Creditor’s information. | || | [1..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Creditor’s name. | || | [0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | Creditor’s address. See the address structure and details here. | || | [0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s identification. | || | {Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||| | [0..1] | ++++++AnyBIC | <AnyBIC> | Creditor’s BIC code. | || | [0..1] | ++++++LEI | <LEI> | Legal entity identification. | || | [0..n] | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||| | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Organisation’s identification code. | || | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||| | [1..1] | {{ Or | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | | | [1..1] | Or}} | ++++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | || | Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||| | [0..1] | ++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||| | [1..1] | +++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Creditor’s birth date. | || | [0..1] | +++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | Creditor’s province of birth. | || | [1..1] | +++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Creditor’s city of birth. | || | [1..1] | +++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Creditor’s birth country (ISO code). | || | [1..n] | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||| | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s identification code. | || | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||| | [1..1] | {Or | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | | | [1..1] | Or} | ++++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | || | [0..1] | ++++CountryOfResidence | <CtryOfRes> | Creditor’s country of residence. | || | [1..1] | +++CreditorAccount | <CdtrAcct> | Creditor’s account. | || | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | ||| | {Or | +++++IBAN/td> | <IBAN> | Creditor’s IBAN. | || | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||| | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s account number. | || | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||| | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | Do not use. | || | [0..1] | +++UltimateCreditor | <UltmtCdtr> | SEPA specific information. Ultimate creditor is the ultimate creditor of the payment. | || | [0..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate creditor’s name. | || | [0..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||| | {Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||| | ++++++AnyBIC | <AnyBIC> | Ultimate creditor’s BIC. | ||| | ++++++LEI | <LEI> | Organisation LEI code. | ||| | ++++++Other | <Othr> | Other identifier. | ||| | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate creditor’s organization identification. | || | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||| | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | || | [1..1] | ++++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||| | [1..1] | Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | || | [0..1] | ++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||| | [1..1] | +++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate creditor’s birth date. | || | [0..1] | +++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | Ultimate creditor’s province of birth. | || | [1..1] | +++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate creditor’s city of birth. | || | [1..1] | +++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate creditor’s birth country (ISO code). | || | [1..n] | Or} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | || | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Creditor’s identification code. | || | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||| | [1..1] | {Or | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | | | [0..1] | +++Purpose | <Purp> | SEPA specific information. Reason for the payment. | || | [1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported codes in Code Set: Purpose | || | [0..10] | +++RegulatoryReporting | <RgltryRptg> | Do not use. | || | [0..1] | +++RemittanceInformation | <RmtInf> | For the payments within Estonia, client can enter the payment description (unstructured) and the reference number (structured). For the payments outside Estonia, it is mandatory to provide one or the other. Otherwise the payment will be cancelled. Reference number (structured) must comply with Estonian reference standard. | || | [0..1] | ++++Unstructured | <Ustrd> | Payment description is entered here. | || | [0..1] | ++++Structured | <Strd> | ||| | [0..1] | +++++CreditorReferenceInformation | <CdtrRefInf> | ||| | [0..1] | ++++++Type | <Tp> | ||| | [1..1] | +++++++CodeOrProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | ||| | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | Only the value SCOR is allowed here. If any other value is entered, it will be ignored. | || | [0..1] | +++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||| | [0..1] | ++++++Reference | <Ref> | Payment reference number is entered here. |
XML format used by Coop Bank is a bit customized version of pain.001.001.03.xsd, still compliant with and has less restrictions than 1.4 version of the Estonian Banking Association implementation of pain.001.001.03. Coop Bank custom XSD is more restrictive that generic ISO 20022 XSD. Every XML file valid according to Coop Bank custom XSD is also valid to generic pain.001.001.03.
Generic pain.001.001.03 message xml schema file is available at
Request's Content-Type has to be 'multipart/form-data' and it has to contain XML file in "request" position, with its type also defined as "application/xml" or "application/vnd.etsi.asic-e+zip".
XML rules
Multiplicity (MULT.) Informs how many times an element can or must be used, as defined by ISO standard.
Message structure
Group Header – mandatory, occurs once.
Payment Information – mandatory and repetitive. Contains information related to mostly the debit side of the payment.
Credit Transfer Transaction Information – mandatory and repetitive. Contains information related to the payment(s) included in the message.
1.0 | [1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | ||
1.1 | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Originator’s unique identifier of the submitted file. | |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | ||
1.6 | [1..1] | ++NumberOfTransactions | <NbOfTxs> | Number of individual transactions contained in the file. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
1.7 | [1..1] | ++ControlSum | <CtrlSum> | Total of all individual amounts included in the file, irrespective of currencies. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | ++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | Set of elements used to specify the type of payment. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | +++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | Agreement of rules according to which the payment must be processed. Pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions apply. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++Prtry | <Prtry> | Do not use. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | ++InitiatingParty | <InitgPty> | Party initiating the payment to an agent. In the payment context, this can either be the debtor or a party that initiates the payment on behalf of the debtor or creditor. | |
1.8 | [0..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Initiating party name. | |
1.8 | [0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | ||
1.8 | [0..1] | ++++TownName | <TwnNm> | Initiating party address town. | |
1.8 | [0..1] | ++++Country | <Ctry> | Initiating party address country ISO code. | |
1.8 | [0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
1.8 | {Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
1.8 | {{ Or | +++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Initiating party BIC code. | |
1.8 | Or}} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | ||
1.8 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
1.8 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | ||
1.8 | Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
1.8 | {Or | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | ||
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | ||
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | ||
1.8 | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | ||
1.8 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
1.8 | {Or | +++++++Code | <Cd> | ||
1.8 | Or} | +++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | ||
1.8 | [0..1] | +++CountryOfResidence | <CtryOfRes> | Initiating party country of residence | |
1.9 | [0..1] | ++ForwardingAgent | <FwdgAgt> | Financial institution that receives the instruction from the initiating party and forwards it to the next agent in the payment chain for execution. | |
1.9 | [1..1] | +++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||
1.9 | [0..1] | ++++BIC | <BIC> | Forwarding agent BIC code. | |
1.9 | [0..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Forwarding agent name. | |
1.9 | [0..1] | ++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | ||
1.9 | [0..1] | +++++TownName | <TwnNm> | Forwarding agent address town. | |
1.9 | [0..1] | +++++Country | <Ctry> | Forwarding agent address country ISO code. |
Payment information
2.0 | [1..n] | +PaymentInformation | <PmtInf> | ||
2.1 | [1..1] | ++PaymentInformationIdentification | <PmtInfId> | Originator’s unique identifier of the batch of transactions | |
2.2 | [1..1] | ++PaymentMethod | <PmtMtd> | Only the value TRF (credit transfer) is allowed here. If any other value is entered, it will be ignored. | |
2.3 | [0..1] | ++BatchBooking | <BtchBookg> | In case of Batch payments, the <BtchBookg> should be valued "true" and Category Purpose Code [index 2.15] should be "SALA", "SSBE" or "PENS". If the Category Purpose Code is left blank, the payment description will display just Batch payment. If the code is filled then corresponding text is displayed according to the list Code Set: Category purpose. In case of Bulk payment, the <BtchBookg> should be valued "false". | |
2.4 | [1..1] | ++NumberOfTransactions | <NbOfTxs> | Populate with number of transactions in batch. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
2.5 | [1..1] | ++ControlSum | <CtrlSum> | Total of all individual amounts included in the batch. If this number is not correct, the file upload will be cancelled. | |
2.6 | [0..1] | ++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | ||
2.7 | [0..1] | +++InstructionPriority | <InstrPrty> | ||
2.8 | [0..1] | +++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | ||
2.9 | [1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | ||
2.11 | [0..1] | +++LocalInstrument | <LclInstrm> | ||
2.12 | {Or | ++++Code | <Cd> | Specifies the local instrument, as published in an external local instrument code list. | |
2.13 | Or} | ++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Payment priority information is not used in Coop Pank. | |
2.14 | [0..1] | +++CategoryPurpose | <CtgyPurp> | ||
2.15 | [1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Category Purpose. | |
2.17 | [1..1] | ++Requested Execution Date | <ReqdExctnDt> | Date on which the remitter’s account is debited. | |
2.19 | [1..1] | ++Remitter | <Dbtr> | Party from whose account the amount of payment is to be debited. If a different party’s information is entered, it will be ignored. | |
2.19 | [1..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Remitter’s name. For indirect agent - the holder name (not the master account owner). Debtor name is mandatory if payment is initiated from indirect agent's existing accounts. | |
2.19 | [0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | If payment is initiated with indirect agent's existing accounts, following rule applies: (Town Name and Country) or (Country and Address Line) are required. | |
2.19 | [0..1] | ++++TownName | <TwnNm> | See rule in PostalAddress. | |
2.19 | [0..1] | ++++Country | <Ctry> | Remitter’s country ISO code. For agency banking account - the holder country. See rule in PostalAddress. | |
2.19 | [0..2] | ++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Remitter’s address. For agency banking account - the holder address. See rule in PostalAddress. | |
2.19 | [0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.19 | {Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
2.19 | {{ Or | +++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Remitter’s BIC or BEI code. | |
2.19 | Or}} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.19 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Organisation’s identification code. | |
2.19 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.19 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | |
2.19 | Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
2.19 | {Or | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
2.19 | [1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Remitter’s birth date. | |
2.19 | [1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Remitter’s city of birth. | |
2.19 | [1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Remitter’s birth country ISO code. | |
2.19 | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.19 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Remitter’s identification code. | |
2.19 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.19 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
2.20 | [1..1] | ++RemitterAccount | <DbtrAcct> | Remitter’s account. | |
2.20 | [1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.20 | {Or | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Remitter’s IBAN or Virtual IBAN. | |
2.20 | {Or | ++++Other | <Othr> | Remitter's non-IBAN account number. | |
2.20 | Or}} | +++++Identification | <Id> | Account number. | |
2.20 | [0..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | Not required to be filled in. The payment will be made in the currency of the payment amount. If there are not enough funds available on the account, a relevant error message will appear. | |
2.21 | [1..1] | ++ RemitterAgent | <DbtrAgt> | Remitter’s bank information. | |
2.21 | [1..1] | +++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||
2.21 | [1..1] | ++++BIC | <BIC> | If the BIC is faulty or missing, it will be replaced with the correct code. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | ++UltimateRemitter | <UltmtDbtr> | Used for SEPA payments. Third party acting as the actual owner of the funds or initiating the payment. If ultimate remitter information is filled in at the Payment Information level, it will apply to all payments included in this block. Usage rule: Only to be used if different from the beneficiary. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | +++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate remitter’s name. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | +++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | Ultimate debtor's postal address. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | ++++TownName | <TwnNm> | Ultimate debtor's postal address town. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | ++++Country | <Ctry> | Ultimate debtor's address country ISO code. | |
2.23 | [0..2] | ++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Ultimate debtor’s full postal address (street/road, number of house, town up to 140 characters). | |
2.23 | [0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.23 | {Or | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
2.23 | {{ Or | +++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate remitter’s BIC or BEI code. | |
2.23 | Or}} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.23 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Organization’s identification code. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.23 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | |
2.23 | Or} | ++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
2.23 | {Or | +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
2.23 | [1..1] | ++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate remitter’s birth date. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | ++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | Ultimate remitter’s province of birth. | |
2.23 | [1..1] | ++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate remitter’s city of birth. | |
2.23 | [1..1] | ++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate remitter’s birth country ISO code. | |
2.23 | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.23 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate remitter’s identification code. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.23 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
2.23 | [0..1] | +++CountryOfResidence | <CtryOfRes> | Ultimate remitter’s country of residence. | |
2.24 | [0..1] | ++ChargesBearer | <ChrgBr> | See the supported values in Code Set: Charges Bearer. | |
2.25 | [0..1] | ++ChargesAccount | <ChrgsAcct> | Coop Bank does not support charge debiting from other than remitter’s account. | |
2.25 | [1..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.25 | [1..1] | ++++IBAN | <IBAN> | ||
2.25 | [0..1] | +++Currency | <Ccy> | ||
2.27 | [1..n] | ++CreditTransferTransactionInformation | <CdtTrfTxInf> | This block contains a set of elements providing information on the payment(s) included in the message. | |
2.28 | [1..1] | +++PaymentIdentification | <PmtId> | ||
2.29 | [0..1] | ++++InstructionIdentification | <InstrId> | Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to unambiguously identify the instruction. | |
2.30 | [1..1] | ++++EndToEndIdentification | <EndToEndId> | Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unambiguously identify the transaction. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | +++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | Set of elements used to specify the type of payment. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | ++++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | Agreement of rules according to which the payment must be processed. Pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions apply. | |
1.8 | [1..1] | +++++Prtry | <Prtry> | Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as a proprietary code. Allowed values: INST, SEPA, FAST, ALL - equals as uploaded without interface type. Other values return validation error. | |
2.36 | [0..1] | ++++LocalInstrument | <LclInstrm> | ||
2.37 | {Or | +++++Code | <Cd> | ||
2.38 | Or} | +++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Payment priority information is not used in Coop Pank. | |
2.39 | [0..1] | ++++CategoryPurpose | <CtgyPurp> | ||
2.40 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Category Purpose. | |
2.42 | [1..1] | +++Amount | <Amt> | ||
2.43 | {Or | ++++InstructedAmount | <InstdAmt> | Payment amount and the currency ordered by the initiating party. All currencies accepted by the bank for payment services are allowed. If there are not enough funds available on the account in a given currency, a relevant error message will appear. | |
2.44 | Or} | ++++EquivalentAmount | <EqvtAmt> | Not used. | |
2.51 | [0..1] | +++ChargeBearer | <ChrgBr> | See the supported values in Code Set: Charges Bearer. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | +++UltimateRemitter | <UltmtDbtr> | Used for SEPA payments. Third party acting as the actual owner of the funds or initiating the payment. If ultimate remitter information is filled in at the Credit Transfer Transaction Information level, it will apply only to the current payment. Usage rule: Only to be used if different from the remitter. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate remitter’s name. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | ++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | Ultimate debtor's postal address. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | +++++TwnNm | <TwnNm> | Ultimate debtor's postal address town. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | +++++Ctry | <Ctry> | Ultimate debtor's address country ISO code. | |
2.70 | [0..2] | +++++AdrLine | <AdrLine> | Ultimate debtor’s full postal address (street/road, number of house, town up to 140 characters). | |
2.70 | [0..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.70 | {Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
2.70 | {{ Or | ++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate remitter’s BIC or BEI code. | |
2.70 | Or}} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.70 | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Organization’s identification code. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.70 | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | |
2.70 | Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
2.70 | {Or | ++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
2.70 | [1..1] | +++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate remitter’s birth date. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | +++++++ProvinceOfBirth | <PrvcOfBirth> | ||
2.70 | [1..1] | +++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate remitter’s city of birth. | |
2.70 | [1..1] | +++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate remitter’s birth country ISO code. | |
2.70 | Or} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.70 | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate remitter’s identification code. | |
2.70 | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.70 | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification | |
2.70 | [0..1] | ++++CountryOfResidence | <CtryOfRes> | Ultimate remitter’s country of residence. | |
2.71 | [0..1] | +++IntermediaryAgent1 | <IntrmyAgt1> | Information about the beneficiary’s bank’s correspondent bank. Used for foreign payments. | |
2.71 | [1..1] | ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||
2.71 | [0..1] | +++++BIC | <BIC> | Bank’s BIC code. | |
2.71 | [0..1] | +++++ClearingSystemMemberIdentification | <ClrSysMmbId> | ||
2.71 | [0..1] | ++++++ClearingSystemIdentification | <ClrSysId> | ||
2.71 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | For the clearing system’s identification code see the External Code Sets spreadsheet on the ISO website. | |
2.71 | [1..1] | ++++++MemberIdentification | <MmbId> | Identification of the beneficiary's bank's correspondent bank in a clearing system. | |
2.71 | [0..1] | +++++Name | <Nm> | Name of the beneficiary’s bank’s correspondent bank. Used when the BIC or the clearing system’s member identification is not known to the initiating party. | |
2.71 | [0..1] | +++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | ||
2.71 | [0..1] | ++++++Country | <Ctry> | Country ISO code of the beneficiary’s bank’s correspondent bank. | |
2.71 | [0..2] | ++++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Country address of the beneficiary’s bank’s correspondent bank. | |
2.72 | [0..1] | +++IntermediaryAgent1Account | <IntrmyAgt1Acct> | Not used. | |
2.72 | [1..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.72 | {Or | +++++IBAN | <IBAN> | ||
2.72 | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.72 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.77 | [0..1] | +++BeneficiaryAgent | <CdtrAgt> | Beneficiary agent’s information is required for SWIFT payments. | |
2.77 | [1..1] | ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification | <FinInstnId> | ||
2.77 | [0..1] | +++++BIC | <BIC> | Beneficiary’s bank’s BIC. | |
2.77 | [0..1] | +++++ClearingSystemMemberIdentification | <ClrSysMmbId> | ||
2.77 | [0..1] | ++++++ClearingSystemIdentification | <ClrSysId> | ||
2.77 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | For the clearing system’s identification code see the External Code Sets spreadsheet on the ISO website. | |
2.77 | [1..1] | ++++++MemberIdentification | <MmbId> | Beneficiary’s bank identification in a clearing system. | |
2.77 | [0..1] | +++++Name | <Nm> | Beneficiary's bank name. Usage rule: The name is limited to 70 characters in length. Used when the BIC or the clearing system’s member identification is not known to the initiating party. | |
2.77 | [0..1] | +++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | ||
2.77 | [0..1] | ++++++Country | <Ctry> | Beneficiary’s bank’s country ISO code. | |
2.77 | [0..2] | ++++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | Beneficiary’s bank’s address. | |
2.78 | [0..1] | +++BeneficiaryAgentAccount | <CdtrAgt> | Do not use. | |
2.78 | [1..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.78 | {Or | +++++IBAN | <IBAN> | ||
2.78 | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.78 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Do not use. | |
2.79 | [1..1] | +++Beneficiary | <Cdtr> | Beneficiary’s information. | |
2.79 | [1..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Beneficiary’s name. | |
2.79 | [0..1] | ++++PostalAddress | <PstlAdr> | Beneficiary’s address. | |
2.79 | [0..1] | +++++Country | <Ctry> | ||
2.79 | [0..2] | +++++AddressLine | <AdrLine> | ||
2.79 | [0..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | Beneficiary’s identification. | |
2.79 | {Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
2.79 | {{ Or | ++++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Beneficiary’s BIC or BEI code. | |
2.79 | Or}} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.79 | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Organization’s identification code. | |
2.79 | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.79 | 1..1 | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | |
2.79 | Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
2.79 | {Or | ++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
2.79 | [1..1] | +++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Beneficiary’s birth date. | |
2.79 | [1..1] | +++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Beneficiary’s city of birth. | |
2.79 | [1..1] | +++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Beneficiary’s birth country ISO code. | |
2.79 | Or} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.79 | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Beneficiary’s identification. | |
2.79 | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.79 | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
2.80 | [1..1] | +++BeneficiaryAccount | <CdtrAcct> | Beneficiary’s account. | |
2.80 | [1..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.80 | {Or | +++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Beneficiary’s IBAN. | |
2.80 | Or} | +++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.80 | [1..1] | ++++++Identification | <Id> | Beneficiary’s account number. | |
2.80 | [0..1] | ++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.80 | [1..1] | +++++++Code | <Cd> | Do not use. | |
2.81 | [0..1] | +++UltimateBeneficiary | <UltmtCdtr> | SEPA specific information. Ultimate beneficiary is the ultimate beneficiary of the payment. | |
2.81 | [0..1] | ++++Name | <Nm> | Ultimate beneficiary’s name. | |
2.81 | [0..1] | ++++Identification | <Id> | ||
2.81 | {Or | +++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | ||
2.81 | {{ Or | ++++++BICOOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | Ultimate beneficiary’s BIC or BEI. | |
2.81 | Or}} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.81 | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate beneficiary’s organization identification. | |
2.81 | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.81 | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Organisation Identification. | |
2.81 | Or} | +++++PrivateIdentification | <PrvtId> | ||
2.81 | {Or | ++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth | <DtAndPlcOfBirth> | ||
2.81 | [1..1] | +++++++BirthDate | <BirthDt> | Ultimate beneficiary’s birth date. | |
2.81 | [1..1] | +++++++CityOfBirth | <CityOfBirth> | Ultimate beneficiary’s city of birth. | |
2.81 | [1..1] | +++++++CountryOfBirth | <CtryOfBirth> | Ultimate beneficiary’s birth country ISO code. | |
2.81 | Or} | ++++++Other | <Othr> | ||
2.81 | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Ultimate beneficiary’s identification. | |
2.81 | [0..1] | +++++++SchemeName | <SchmeNm> | ||
2.81 | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported values in Code Set: Private Person Identification. | |
2.85 | [0..1] | +++InstructionForDebtorAgent> | <InstrForDbtrAgt | Do not use. | |
2.86 | [0..1] | +++Purpose | <Purp> | SEPA specific information. Reason for the payment. | |
2.87 | [1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | See the supported codes in Code Set: Purpose | |
2.89 | [0..10] | +++RegulatoryReporting | <RgltryRptg> | Do not use. | |
2.89 | [0..1] | ++++Authority | <Authrty> | ||
2.89 | [0..1] | +++++Country | <Ctry> | ||
2.89 | [0..n] | ++++Details | <Dtls> | ||
2.89 | [0..1] | +++++Type | <Tp> | ||
2.89 | [0..1] | +++++Country | <Ctry> | ||
2.89 | [0..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | ||
2.89 | [0..1] | +++++Information | <Inf> | Do not use. | |
2.98 | [0..1] | +++RemittanceInformation | <RmtInf> | For the payments within Estonia, client can enter the payment description (unstructured) and the reference number (structured). For the payments outside Estonia, it is mandatory to provide one or the other. Otherwise the payment will be cancelled. Reference number (structured) must comply with Estonian reference standard. | |
2.99 | [0..1] | ++++Unstructured | <Ustrd> | Payment description is entered here. | |
2.100 | [0..1] | ++++Structured | <Strd> | ||
2.120 | [0..1] | +++++BeneficiaryReferenceInformation | <CdtrRefInf> | ||
2.121 | [0..1] | ++++++Type | <Tp> | ||
2.122 | [1..1] | +++++++CodeOrProprietary | <CdOrPrtry> | ||
2.123 | [1..1] | ++++++++Code | <Cd> | Only the value SCOR is allowed here. If any other value is entered, it will be ignored. | |
2.125 | [0..1] | +++++++Issuer | <Issr> | ||
2.126 | [0..1] | ++++++Reference | <Ref> | Payment reference number is entered here. |
Samples of payments and related messages for typical use cases depending on payment schemes and other details.
SEPA Instant payment | SEPA Instant payment from EE Coop Bank account to external EE account. |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response | |
SEPA payment | SEPA Instant payment from EE Coop Bank account to external EU account. |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response | |
Internal payment | Internal payment from one Coop Bank account to another. |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response | |
SWIFT payment (IBAN) - Swift | SWIFT payment to foreign account in IBAN format. |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response | |
Bulk payment | Multiple payments in one file. |
- Payment request | |
- Payment response |
XML format (ISO 20022 Customer Payment Status Report pain.002.001.12)
After payment request the customer will receive the response message - ISO 20022 Customer Payment Status Report (pain.002.001.12). This message is sent to the client to inform about the status of a payment instruction sent via Gateway API with Payment Initiation (pain.001.001.03) message.
Customer Payment Status Report refers to the original Payment Initiation message and gives feedback about the status of the process - provides positive, negative and pending status updates to original payments.
There can be many Customer Payment Status Reports per one Payment Initiation message - typically if any of the transactions was not accepted right away for any reason.
It is possible to order the Payment Status Report messages with the digital stamp of Coop Pank, see more details Digital stamp of Coop Pank.
Payment status codes and descriptions
Statuses are reported on group level for the whole payment instruction (GrpSts and PmtInfSts tags) and separately for each payment (TxSts tag).
Group level statuses are reported only in the first payment response message after the initial request.
Further responses (if any) shall not contain GrpSts and PmtInfSts tags - you must process the result of every payment entry separately.
Group level statuses (OrgnlGrpInfAndSts.GrpSts and OrgnlPmtInfAndSts.PmtInfSts):
Single payment statuses (OrgnlPmtInfAndSts.TxInfAndSts.TxSts):
Pending payments need confirmation in Internet Bank
When payment receives PDNG status after ACSP status (payment is accepted by the customer) it means that the payment needs confirmation in Internet Bank.
Payment rejection due to account balance or limits
By default, all payments will be rejected right away when there is not enough free balance or payments limits to execute the payment.
Message structure
Group Header – mandatory, occurs once. Set of characteristics shared by all individual payments included in the status report message.
Original Group Information And Status – occurs once. Refers to original Payment Initiation Group Level information. Transaction Information And Status – optional and repetitive. Includes information about the original payment and its status.
1.0 | [1..1] | +GroupHeader | <GrpHdr> | |
1.1 | [1..1] | ++MessageIdentification | <MsgId> | Unique identification created by Coop Bank |
1.2 | [1..1] | ++CreationDateTime | <CreDtTm> | Creation date and time. |
1.3 | [0..1] | ++InitiatingParty | <InitgPty> | |
1.3 | [0..1] | +++Identification | <Id> | |
1.3 | [0..1] | ++++OrganisationIdentification | <OrgId> | |
1.3 | [0..1] | +++++BICOrBEI | <BICOrBEI> | EKRDEE22 (BIC of Coop Bank) |
2.0 | [1..1] | +OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus | <OrgnlGrpInfAndSts> | |
2.1 | [1..1] | ++OriginalMessageIdentification | <OrgnlMsgId> | Original pain.001.001.03 Group Level Message Id. |
2.2 | [1..1] | ++OriginalMessageNameIdentification | <OrgnlMsgNmId> | Specifies the original message name identifier to which the message refers. Value ‘pain.001.001.03’ or ‘pain.001.001.09’. |
2.6 | [0..1] | ++GroupStatus | <GrpSts> | Specifies the Group status of all payments in the original pain.001.001.03 message. Status codes explained above. |
2.7 | [0..n] | ++StatusReasonInformation | <StsRsnInf> | |
2.9 | [0..1] | +++Reason | <Rsn> | |
2.10 | [1..1] | ++++Code | <Cd> | If Group Status is RJCT, then filled with ‘NOOR’. In this case, Additional Information is also filled. |
2.12 | [0..n] | +++AdditionalInformation | <AddtlInf> | If Reason Code is filled with ‘NOOR’, error description is present here. See Group Level Errors. |
3.0 | [0..n] | +OriginalPaymentInformationAndStatus | <OrgnlPmtInfAndSts> | |
3.1 | [1..1] | ++OriginalPaymentInformationId | <OrgnlPmtInfId> | Original pain.001.001.03 Payment Information Id. |
3.4 | [0..1] | ++PaymentInformationStatus | <PmtInfSts> | Specifies the Group status of one PmtInf block in the original pain.001.001.03 message. Status codes explained Status codes explained above. |
3.15 | [0..n] | ++TransactionInformationAndStatus | <TxInfAndSts> | |
3.17 | [0..1] | +++OriginalInstructionIdentification | <OrgnlInstrId> | Original payment order number. |
3.18 | [0..1] | +++OriginalEndToEndId | <OrgnlEndToEndId> | Not used. |
3.19 | [0..1] | +++TransactionStatus | <TxSts> | Payment status. Status codes explained above. |
3.20 | [0..n] | +++StatusReasonInformation | <StsRsnInf> | |
3.21 | [0..1] | +++OriginalTransactionReference | <OrgnlTxRef> | Payment scheme information |
3.21 | [1..1] | ++++PaymentTypeInformation | <PmtTpInf> | |
3.21 | [1..1] | +++++ServiceLevel | <SvcLvl> | |
3.21 | [1..1] | ++++++Proprietary | <Prtry> | Payment scheme code - Code Set: Payment scheme. |
3.22 | [0..1] | ++++Reason | <Rsn> | |
3.23 | [1..1] | +++++Code | <Cd> | If Transaction Status is ACWC or RJCT, then ‘NOOR’. |
3.25 | [0..n] | ++++AdditionalInformation | <AddtlInf> | Coop Pank doesn't use the payment scheme return codes, the human readable messages are returned instead. |
3.30 | [0..1] | +++AccountServicerReference | <AcctSvcrRef> | Unique payment ID assigned by the bank. |
3.32 | [0..1] | +++OriginalTransactionReference | <OrgnlTxRef> | |
3.34 | [0..1] | ++++Amount | <Amt> | |
3.35 | [1..1] | +++++InstructedAmount | <InstdAmt Ccy="AAA"> | |
3.41 | [0..1] | ++++RequestedExecutionDate | <ReqExctnDt> | Execution date requested by client. |
3.121 | [0..1] | ++++Debtor | <Dbtr> | |
3.121 | [0..1] | +++++Name | <Nm> | Remitter’s name. |
3.122 | [0..1] | ++++DebtorAccount | <DbtrAcct> | |
3.122 | [1..1] | +++++Identification | <Id> | |
3.122 | {Or | ++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Remitter’s IBAN |
3.122 | {Or | ++++++Other | <Othr> | Remitter's non-IBAN account number |
3.122 | Or}} | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Account number. |
3.123 | [0..1] | ++++DebtorAgent | <DbtrAgt> | |
3.123 | [1..1] | +++++FinancialInstitution Id | <FinInstnId> | |
3.123 | [1..1] | ++++++BIC | <BIC> | EKRDEE22 (BIC of Coop Bank) |
3.125 | [0..1] | ++++CreditorAgent | <CdtrAgt> | |
3.125 | [1..1] | +++++ FinancialInstitutionId | <FinInstnId> | |
3.125 | [1..1] | ++++++BIC | <BIC> | Beneficiary’s bank BIC. |
3.127 | [0..1] | ++++Creditor | <Cdtr> | |
3.127 | [1..1] | +++++Name | <Nm> | Beneficiary’s name. |
3.128 | [0..1] | ++++CreditorAccount | <CdtrAcct> | |
3.128 | [1..1] | +++++Identification | <Id> | |
3.128 | [0..1] | ++++++IBAN | <IBAN> | Beneficiary’s IBAN. |
3.128 | [0..1] | ++++++Other | <Othr> | |
3.128 | [1..1] | +++++++Identification | <Id> | Beneficiary’s account number which is not IBAN. |
Error codes
Error codes are subject to change. The xml returns the correct error description.
Payment Initiation service along with Payment Status Report response message can be tested in Sandbox environment.
Payment Initiation Request message is sent by a client to initiate payment process to which a Payment Status Report message is sent as a response. Payment Status Report message informs the account holder of the positive or negative status of an instruction (either single or file).
Payment Status Report message examples in Sandbox:
In Sandbox, Payment Initiation Request must be valid according to the corresponding XSD in the Live environment. A Payment Status Report example message will be returned as a response message to Payment Initiation Request.
Accepted Payment message example is returned by default, if there are no specific issues like account access problems, service restrictions or other stated problems. This means that the system will assume that the payment file is within allowed limits and meets all criteria.
A legal entity that is using company’s digital stamp (e-Seal) for payment files can receive an example message of rejected payment file due to insufficient daily or monthly transfer limits for digital stamp. In the Sandbox environment, there is no real accounting of daily or monthly transfer limits and example message of exceeded limit can be returned based on predefined value in the Payment Initiation XML. An example message is retrieved based on the value provided in the <Ustrd> element in the Payment Initiation XML, which is located within <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> (CustomerCreditTransferInitiation) section of the XML message structure, specifically under <PmtInf> (PaymentInformation) → <CdtTrfTxInf> (CreditTransferTransactionInformation) → <RmtInf> (RemittanceInformation). The <Ustrd> element should be set to the following value to receive corresponding Payment Status Report example message:
Dynamic Value Replacement
When Payment Status Report is generated, certain dynamic values within the message are replaced. These dynamic elements include:
INDEX | MULT. | OR | MESSAGE ELEMENT | XML TAG | DESCRIPTION | | [0..1] | Department | <Dept> | || | [0..1] | SubDepartment | <SubDept> | || | [0..1] | StreetName | <StrtNm> | || | [0..1] | BuildingNumber | <BldgNb> | || | [0..1] | BuildingName | <BldgNm> | || | [0..1] | Floor | <Flr> | || | [0..1] | PostBox | <PstBx> | || | [0..1] | Room | <Room> | || | [0..1] | PostCode | <PstCd> | || | [0..1] | TownName | <TwnNm> | Name of a built-up area. See rule in PostalAddress. | | | [0..1] | TownLocationName | <TwnLctnNm> | || | [0..1] | DistrictName | <DstrctNm> | || | [0..1] | CountrySubDivision | <CtrySubDvsn> | || | [0..1] | Country | <Ctry> | Nation with its own government (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code). | | | [0..1] | AddressLine | <AdrLine> |
OPBD | Opening booked balance. |
CLBD | Closing booked balance. |
ACMT | MDOP | CHRG | Account Management Fee |
ACMT | MDOP | INTR | Debit Interest |
ACMT | MCOP | INTR | Credit Interest |
ACMT | NTAV | NTAV | Account Management |
FORX | OTHR | OTHR | Foreign Exchange |
LDAS | NTAV | NTAV | Loans, Deposits & Syndications |
PMNT | RCDT | BOOK | Internal Book Transfer |
PMNT | RCDT | DMCT | Domestic Credit Transfer |
PMNT | RCDT | ESCT | SEPA Credit Transfer |
PMNT | RCDT | XBCT | Cross-Border Credit Transfer |
PMNT | ICDT | BOOK | Internal Book Transfer |
PMNT | ICDT | CHRG | Transaction Fee |
PMNT | ICDT | DMCT | Domestic Credit Transfer |
PMNT | ICDT | ESCT | SEPA Credit Transfer |
PMNT | ICDT | XBCT | Cross-Border Credit Transfer |
PMNT | CCRD | CWDL | Cash Withdrawal |
PMNT | CCRD | POSD | Point-of-Sale (POS) Payment - Debit Card |
PMNT | CNTR | CDPT | Counter Transactions - Cash Deposit |
PMNT | CNTR | FCDP | Foreign Currency Deposit |
PMNT | CNTR | CWDL | Cash Withdrawal |
PMNT | CNTR | FCWD | Foreign Currency Withdrawal |
CASH | Cash management. |
CORT | Trade settlement payment. |
DIVI | Dividends payment. |
GOVT | Government payment. |
HEDG | Hedging. |
INTC | Intra-company payment. |
INTE | Interest payment. |
LOAN | Transfer of a loan to a borrower. |
PENS | Pension payment. |
SALA | Salary payment. |
SECU | Securities payment. |
SSBE | Social security benefit payment. |
SUPP | Supplier payment. |
TAXS | Tax payment. |
TRAD | Trade finance transaction payment. |
TREA | Treasury payment. |
VATX | VAT payment. |
WHLD | Withholding tax payment. |
OTHR | Other payment. |
EPAY | Payment via online banking. |
FCOL | Fee collection. |
SLEV | Allowed only for SEPA payments. Shared charges. |
SHAR | Shared charges. |
DEBT | Remitter pays charges. |
CRDT | Positive amount or zero. |
DBIT | Negative amount. |
BANK | Unique and unambiguous assignment made by a specific bank or similar financial institution to identify a relationship as defined between the bank and its client. |
CBID | A unique identification number assigned by a central bank to identify an organisation. |
CHID | A unique identification number assigned by a clearing house to identify an organisation. |
COID | Country authority given organisation identification (e.g., corporate registration number). |
CUST | Number assigned by an issuer to identify a customer. Number assigned by a party to identify a beneficiary or remitter relationship. |
DUNS | A unique identification number provided by Dun & Bradstreet to identify an organisation. |
EMPL | Number assigned by a registration authority to an employer. |
GS1G | Global Location Number. A non-significant reference number used to identify legal entities, functional entities, or physical entities according to GS1 numbering scheme rules. The number is used to retrieve detailed information that is linked to it. |
SREN | The SIREN number is a 9 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation in France. |
SRET | The SIRET number is a 14 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation unit in France. It consists of the SIREN number, followed by a five digit classification number, to identify the local geographical unit of that entity. |
TXID | Number assigned by a tax authority to identify an organisation. |
INST | SEPA Instant payment. |
SEPA | SEPA payment. |
SWIFT | SWIFT payment. |
TARGET2 | TARGET2 payment. |
INTERNAL | Coop Pank internal payment. |
Coop Pank doesn't use the payment scheme return codes, the human readable messages are returned instead.
Coop Pank doesn't use the payment scheme reject codes, the human readable messages are returned instead.
Coop Pank doesn't use priority codes.
Information about payment priority can be found at Coop Pank's webpage under section How quickly do Coop Pank payments move?
CCPT | Number assigned by an authority to identify the passport number of a person. |
CUST | Number assigned by an issuer to identify a customer. |
DRLC | Number assigned by an authority to identify a driver's license. |
EMPL | Number assigned by a registration authority to an employee. |
NIDN | Number assigned by an authority to identify the national identity number of a person. |
ACCT | Account management. |
CASH | Cash management. |
COLL | Collection payment. |
INTC | Intra-company payment. |
LIMA | Liquidity management. |
NETT | Netting. |
AGRT | Agricultural payment. |
BEXP | Business expenses. |
COMC | Commercial payment. |
CPYR | Copyright. |
LICF | Licence fee. |
GDDS | Purchase and sale of goods. |
SCVE | Purchase and sale of services. |
SUBS | Subscription. |
SUPP | Supplier payment. |
CHAR | Charity payment. |
HLRP | Housing loan repayment. |
INSU | Insurance premium. |
INTE | Interest. |
LBRI | Labour insurance. |
LIFI | Life insurance. |
LOAN | Loan to borrower. |
LOAR | Loan to lender. |
PPTI | Property insurance. |
ADVA | Advance payment. |
CCRD | Credit card payment. |
DCRD | Debit card payment. |
GOVT | Government payment. |
MSVC | Multiple service types. |
NOWS | Not otherwise specified. |
OTHR | Other. |
PADD | Preauthorised debit. |
RENT | Rent. |
STDY | Study. |
DERI | Derivatives. |
DIVD | Dividend. |
FREX | Foreign exchange. |
SAVG | Savings. |
SECU | Securities. |
TREA | Treasury payment. |
DNTS | Dental services. |
HLTI | Health insurance. |
HSPC | Hospital care. |
LTCF | Long-term care facility. |
MDCS | Medical services. |
ALMY | Alimony payment. |
BONU | Bonus payment. |
BECH | Child benefit. |
COMM | Commission. |
PENS | Pension payment. |
SALA | Salary payment. |
SSBE | Social security benefit. |
HSTX | Housing tax. |
INTX | Income tax. |
TAXS | Tax payment. |
VATX | VAT payment. |
AIRB | Air transport. |
BUSB | Bus transport. |
FERB | Ferry transport. |
RLWY | Railway transport. |
CBTV | Cable TV bill. |
ELEC | Electricity bill. |
ENRG | Energies. |
GASB | Gas bill. |
NWCH | Network charge. |
NWCM | Network communication. |
OTLC | Other telecom related bill. |
PHON | Telephone bill. |
WTER | Water bill. |
DEBT | Deposit. |
GDSV | Purchase and Sale of Goods and Services |
CDBL | Credit Card Bill |
INVS | Investment and Securities |
ALLW | Allowance |
PAYR | Payroll |
UBIL | Utilities |
Release date | Release topic |
04.01.2023 | Gateway documentation live release |
21.04.2023 | Headers of the response updated in Getting back the responses - Get next message. Client_code and Client_country added |
12.03.2024 | Payment initiation descriptions updated for the upcoming payment message version changes (ISO20022 2019 version released in November 2023). Payment initiation format pain.001.001.03 remains in use as it is and new format pain.001.001.09 is added. There are no plans to close the old version in the near future. Summary of changes (pain.001.001.09)
14.05.2024 | New payment confirmation method added - A legal entity can transfer payment files with the company's digital stamp (e-Seal). The bank only accepts qualified digital stamps issued by SK ID Solutions AS - FIPS and QSCD, in which the identity of the certificate user has been identified. |
02.09.2024 | From now on it is possible to add the digital stamp of Coop Pank to files transferred with the following services:
Digital stamp can be added to all contract types, the use of the digital stamp in services must be agreed upon in the Coop Pank Gateway contract. |
05.09.2024 | Debit Credit Notification service enhanced in Sandbox environment - the service now includes the Credit Notification message examples. For more information, see Debit Credit Notification. |
23.09.2024 | Payment Initiation service enhanced in Sandbox environment - the service now includes the Payment Status Report message examples for rejected payments. For more information, see Payment Initiation. |