Tuleva’s III Pillar Pension Fund


Consistently putting money aside and making your money grow guarantees you a more comfortable future. The sooner you start saving, the more effectively you can get your money working for you. That’s why, in addition to our everyday savings opportunities and term deposits, we’re now offering you a long-term saving solution: a III pillar pension fund. You can open a low-fee Tuleva III Pillar Pension Fund for yourself through Coop Pank´s internet ja mobile bank.

Start saving smart today.

The financial service is offered by Tuleva Fondid AS. Review the fund’s terms and conditions, prospectus and key information online at tuleva.ee and consult a specialist by e-mailing tuleva@tuleva.ee or calling 644 5100.

Make the smart decision – choose a low-fee fund!

We’ve selected Estonia’s own Tuleva as our partner in long-term saving. Tuleva was set up by a group of people putting money aside for their own retirements so as to enable people in Estonia to save for their futures on the best possible conditions. When saving money for the long term, low fees are the only forecaster of future returns you can trust. Opening a pension fund or transferring to Tuleva will take you no more than a few minutes and is free of charge.

Get tax incentives working for you!

Pension funds are in fact a very effective way of saving money for the future and making it grow. Any income tax you pay on funds invested in the III pillar is reimbursed by the state when you lodge your tax return the following year. This is limited to max. 15% of your gross income or €6000, whichever is the lower of the two.

Index funds have historically demonstrated the highest returns

Tuleva’s III Pillar Pension Fund is an index fund, which is to say that anyone who puts their savings into it owns shares in almost 3000 of the world’s leading companies. This hedges your risks across a number of countries, enterprises and branches of industry and means that your [nest] eggs are in almost 3000 different baskets. Moreover, as an owner of these successful companies, you benefit from growth in the global economy – so as these businesses grow, so do the funds in your III pillar. Bear in mind, of course, that past performance is no guarantee of future returns.

Consistent saving ensures peace of mind

Make a start right now – even if it’s only little amounts you put aside. The most convenient was of saving is setting up a monthly payment. Even if your retirement seems a lifetime away, you’re giving yourself the chance to maintain your standard of living in the future by putting money aside now. Make the most of your savings years down the line but enjoy the peace of mind it brings you today!

A bank in your pocket

With our mobile app you can keep an eye on your money matters and do all your daily banking. And all right there in your pocket, from quick payments to saving without even realising you’re doing it! Try it for yourself.

Tuleva’s III Pillar Pension Fund – good to know