
4 tips for selling your used car

Vehicles ・ 20.02.2023

Know the market and do a market analysis

“Before you place your car on the market, it’s very important to know whether your car is an in-demand product or not,” says Rumberg. One of the easiest places to start is to identify what type of car you have – a family car, sports car, van, classic or SUV. In the case of classic or sports cars, Rumberg says it’s worth carefully monitoring the season when the car goes on sale, and for very special cars, the price is even more important.

“You shouldn’t forget about your ‘competitors’ either,” Rumberg laughs, adding that you should check the price and condition of cars of the same make before putting up a sale advertisement. “A good tip, for example, is to enter the details of your car such as the make, model, year, gearbox and mileage to the filters on,” advises Rumberg. “This way, you’ll find how many similar vehicles are up for sale and at what prices. Doing a little preliminary research makes it easier to set the price of the vehicle you’re selling and guarantee that neither you nor the buyer will be ripped off.

Once you’ve found a suitable sales price for your four-wheeled friend, all you have to do is wait until the right buyer finds your vehicle. “However, if you need to sell the car fast, it can always happen that the deal is done for a much lower price than the original sales price of the car compared to competitors,” says Rumberg. The head of sales adds that most of all, he advises using the help of official car sellers, who will make you an immediate offer or take the vehicle for sale on commission.

Don’t forget regular maintenance

If you’re thinking of selling your car, make sure you give your four-wheeler a good once-over, inside and out. “You can start with something as simple as washing your car, which you can do yourself, or you can get professionals to do it for you,” Rumberg advises. According to Rumberg, the car could look as good as new after a wash. “The car should be given all possible pre-sale washes – a dry clean for the interior, an engine wash, an exterior wash and, if possible, a body polish or wax,” Rumberg advises.

In addition to cleanliness, Rumberg also emphasises the technical condition of the car. It’s important that the vehicle is given all the maintenance prescribed by the factory before it’s sold. “If your car is due for a service soon, you should definitely have it done before you sell it,” says Rumberg. “This gives the reassurance that the car is technically in good condition and that the new owner will not incur additional costs as a first step. Even though having a car technically fixed can be very expensive, selling a car that is in good order is much easier than selling one with faults.” Rumberg adds that a car in a good condition can also be sold at a much higher price and buyers are generally willing to pay more for a ‘full package’.

Appearance or how to take good sales photos

For a first-time car seller, taking sales photos can seem like the biggest challenge of all. “There are bound to be questions – what angle should I take the photo from, where is the best place to take it, and what to shoot in the first place,” says Rumberg, outlining common concerns. According to Rumberg, the first thing to do before taking a photo of your car is to remove all personal items from the vehicle. Then, you should think about light, as pictures taken in the dark always look poor. “Ideally, the photos of your car should be taken at sunset or on a very sunny day,” teaches Rumberg. “This way, all the details of the car are nice and visible and there’s no denying that the picture simply looks beautiful as well.”

Photos taken outdoors in rain or snow are not the best option according to Rumberg. If good natural light is not an option, Rumberg suggests finding well-lit garages and car parks. “You should keep in mind that photos taken in any garage or car park will not look good and may be too dark, and additional lighting could be used if necessary,” says Rumberg.

The next step is to take photos of the car from all angles, so that the buyer doesn’t have to guess what the car looks like from the front or the back. “If the car also has some body damage, this should definitely be photographed, so that the buyer won’t feel deceived when they come to take a look at the car, but know in advance what scratches, dents or rust, for example, the car has,” advises Rumberg. It’s also a good idea to take photos of the car’s interior, so that potential buyers know what kind of seats, steering wheel, multimedia environment and boot are waiting for them.

Choosing the right sales environments

Using car sales portals such as is definitely one of the most popular options. “Lately, more and more used cars are offered on the Facebook Marketplace, where it’s very easy for the seller and the potential buyer to interact,” Rumberg says. Choosing the right channel to sell your car depends mainly on how much you, as the seller, are willing to pay for advertising. Posting an ad on car sales portals is subject to a fee, but posting an ad on Facebook doesn’t cost anything. “Communicating on Facebook can also seem more trustworthy to the buyer, as both buyer and seller can immediately see the profile of the person involved in the sale and there can be much less uncertainty,” says Rumberg.

“If you’re selling a classic or a sports car, you should definitely consider special forums for people interested in these cars,” Rumberg suggests. In addition to forums, there are also various groups on Facebook for selling ‘regular’ cars, as well as for classic and sports cars. There’s always the option of taking your used car to a dealership or car dealer, who will do all the selling for you.

Simple tips to remember when putting your car up for sale:

  1. Analyse the market. Check car sales portals to find out the price and condition of cars of the same make. This way, you can set the price of your vehicle. The lower the mileage, the more accessories fitted on the car and the newer the vehicle, the higher the price you can ask for it.
  2. Don’t forget regular maintenance. Give your car a good clean, throw out all the rubbish and wash it inside and out. If necessary, have the car repaired to ensure that it’s in good technical condition.
  3. Good sales photos and appearance. The most important thing is to give attention to lighting, so that the car looks good in the photos. You should also take photos of any faults on the car so that the potential buyer doesn’t buy a pig in a poke.
  4. Choosing the right sales environments. If you wish to pay for advertising your car, you should definitely use car sales portals. The easiest and also free alternative is to post a sales advertisement on Facebook Marketplace.

However, if you’re the buyer and dreaming of a new car, a car loan can help you buy a new vehicle under favourable conditions. You can fill in a car loan application easily online and it’s a good way to spread your larger outgoings over a longer period.


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