
Rainer Rohtla
Rainer Rohtla has obtained higher education in logistics management from Jyväskyla university of Applied Sciences, Finland. Rainer Rohtla has worked in top management positions in various logistics management related international enterprises, latest of them from 2019-2022 as General Manager of Via 3L Group. Since 2023 February he acts as chairman of the board of Coop Eesti Keskühistu.
As of 10 June 2024, Rainer Rohtla does not have a position in Coop Pank AS shares.

Viljar Arakas
Viljar Arakas holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from EBS International University and has completed his second bachelor's degree at Hogeschool NOVI in the Netherlands. Viljar Arakas is a founding member and a member of the Management Board and CEO of EfTEN Capital AS, the largest management company focused on commercial real estate in the Baltic States.
As of 10 June 2024, Viljar Arakas owns 26,094 shares of Coop Pank AS and 14 subordinated bonds of Coop Pank AS through his holding company Miemma Holding OÜ.

Jaan Marjundi
Jaan Marjundi has obtained higher education in process engineering from Tallinn Polytechnical Institute (currently TalTech). For many years, he has worked in top management positions of retail establishments. Since 2007, Jaan Marjundi is a chairman of the board of Harju Tarbijate Ühistu (Harju Consumer Association) and, since 2017, member of the supervisory board of Coop Pank AS.
As of 10 June 2024, Jaan Marjundi holds 79,247 shares of Coop Pank AS and 11 subordinated bonds of Coop Pank AS.

Raul Parusk
Raul Parusk has obtained a master’s degrees in political economy from Moscow National University and in business management from Vienna Business School. He has worked in top management positions in different companies, including credit institutions. During the periood of 2017 until August 2021 Raul Parusk was a member of management board of Forus Grupp OÜ, Forus Security AS and Forus Haldus OÜ. As of March 2022 Raul Parusk is a member of the board of Kodea OÜ.
As of 10 June 2024, Raul Parusk owns 6,201 shares of Coop Pank AS through his holding company Sulvanius Invest OÜ. Raul Parusk has no subordinated bonds of Coop Pank AS

Roman Provotorov
Roman Provotorov has obtained higher education in economics and management from Estonian Agricultural University (currently Estonian University of Life Sciences). Since 1995, he is chairman of the board of Antsla Tarbijate Ühistu (Antsla Consumer Association) and, since 2017, member of the supervisory board of Coop Pank AS.
As of 10 June 2024, Roman Provotorov owns 14,623 shares of Coop Pank AS. Roman Provotorov has no subordinated bonds of Coop Pank AS.

Silver Kuus
Silver Kuus has obtained a master’s degree in international business management from Estonian Business School. Silver Kuus has worked in top management positions in different financial institutions, latest of them from 2017-2019 as manager of corporate banking at Luminor Bank AS. Currently, he is manager of a business consulting company OÜ LORIKORU CAPITAL.
As of 10 June 2024, Silver Kuus has no shares and subordinated bonds of Coop Pank AS.

Margus Rink
Margus Rink is the Chairman of the Management Board of Coop Pank AS. He has been working in the banking sector for more than 15 years.
In addition to chairing the management board of Coop Pank, Margus Rink is a member of the supervisory boards of the bank’s subsidiaries Coop Liising AS and Coop Kindlustusmaakler AS. Margus Rink is a member of the management board of the Estonian Bank Association and member of the management board of Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
As of 10 June 2024, Margus Rink holds 806,000 shares in Coop Pank AS and 7 subordinated bonds of Coop Pank AS. He has been issued with the option of a further 253,900 shares.
Previous positions:
- 2015-2016 Magnum AS, Chairman of the Management Board
- 2008-2015 Eesti Energia AS, Member of the Management Board
- 1996-2008 Hansapank AS, various positions, incl. Head of Personal Banking and Retail Banking Manager
- 1994-1996 Eesti Ühispank, various positions
Margus Rink graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tartu in 1994 and obtained a Master’s degree in Business Management from the same university in 2000.

Paavo Truu
Paavo Truu is member of the management board of and Chief Financial Officer at Coop Pank AS. He has extensive experience in financial management.
In addition to sitting on the management board of Coop Pank, Paavo Truu is a member of the supervisory boards of the bank’s subsidiaries Coop Liising AS and Coop Kindlustusmaakler AS.
As of 10 June 2024, Paavo Truu holds 48,247 shares in Coop Pank AS through his company Solaris Konsult OÜ. He has been issued with the option of a further 150,800 shares.
Previous positions:
- 2018–2022 Coop Eesti Keskühistu, Member of the Board and Chief Financial Officer
- 2013–2018 AS Magnum, Member of the Board
- 2012–2013 Alexela Group OÜ, Chief Financial Officer
- 2007-2012 Bauhof Grupp AS, Member of the Board
- 1998–2007 AS Ühendatud Kapital, Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Financial Officer
Paavo Truu graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in marketing, finance and banking from the University of Tartu in 1996 and with a Master’s degree in digitalisation from Tallinn University of Technology in 2020.

Heikko Mäe
Heikko Mäe is a member of the management board of and the Head of Risk at Coop Pank AS. He has many years’ experience of risk management.
In addition to sitting on the management board of Coop Pank, Heikko Mäe is a member of the supervisory boards of the bank’s subsidiaries Coop Liising AS and Coop Kindlustusmaakler AS and a member of the management board of its subsidiary SIA Prana Property.
As of 10 June 2024, Heikko Mäe holds 123,270 shares in Coop Pank AS and had been issued with the option of a further 174,900 shares.
Previous positions:
- 2015–2019 Magnum Veterinaaria AS, Director
- 2012–2015 Eesti Energia AS, Director of Energy Trading
- 2008–2012 Eesti Energia AS, Director of the Risk Management and Internal Auditing Unit
- 2004–2008 PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisors AS, Senior Consultant
Heikko Mäe was a founding member of Tuleva TÜ and served on the supervisory board of Tuleva Fondid AS until 2020.
Heikko Mäe graduated with a Master’s degree in Law from Audentes International University in 2008.

Karel Parve
Karel Parve is a member of the management board of and the Head of Private Client Banking at Coop Pank AS. He has previous long-term work experience in the financial sector.
In addition to sitting on the management board of Coop Pank, Karel Parve is a member of the supervisory boards of the bank’s subsidiaries Coop Liising AS and Coop Kindlustusmaakler AS.
As of 10 June 2024, Karel Parve has been issued with the option of a further 42,900 shares.
Previous positions:
- 2019–2023 AS LHV Pank, different positions, including head of private banking
- 2018–2019 Luminor Bank AS, different positions
- 2015–2017 Swedbank AS, different positions
Karel Parve received a bachelor's degree in international relations from Bucknell University in 2012.

Arko Kurtmann
Arko Kurtmann is a member of the management board of and the Head of Business Client Banking at Coop Pank AS. He has many years’ experience in banking and in business client banking in particular.
In addition to sitting on the management board of Coop Pank, Arko Kurtmann is a member of the supervisory boards of the bank’s subsidiaries Coop Liising AS, and Coop Kindlustusmaakler AS.
As of 10 June 2024, Arko Kurtmann holds 89,000 shares in Coop Pank AS through his company Corby Capital OÜ. He has been issued with the option of a further 180,700 shares.
Previous positions:
- 2012–2019 LHV Pank AS, Head of Business Banking Department
- 2010–2011 Ektornet (Swedish subsidiary of Swedbank), Member of the Management Board
- 2007–2010 Swedbank AS, Loan restructuring officer
- 2005–2007 Evli Securities AS, Publicly tradable share analyst
Arko Kurtmann graduated with a degree in Economics and Business from the Estonian University of Life Sciences.
The Audit Committee is an advisory body formed by the supervisory board of the bank which acts under the supervision of the supervisory board.
The objective of the Audit Committee is to monitor and analyse the following in compliance with legislation:
1) the processing of financial information;
2) the efficiency of risk management and internal supervision and auditing;
3) the auditing process of annual accounts or consolidated accounts;
4) the independence of the audit firm and the sworn auditor representing the audit firm on the basis of legislation, and the compliance of the activities with the requirements of the Auditors Activities Act.
The bank has not formed a separate risk committee. The Audit Committee performs the duties of the risk committee.
When performing the duties of the risk committee, the competence of the Audit Committee shall include:
1) counselling the supervisory board and the management board in the field of risk management principles and risk tolerance of the credit institution;
2) exercising supervision over the implementation of risk management principles by the management board pursuant to the instructions of the supervisory board;
3) inspecting compliance with the business model and risk management principles of the credit institution in the fees established for the clients of the credit institution and, in the case of any deficiencies, submitting an improvement plan to the supervisory board.
The Audit Committee of the bank has four members:
Rainer Rohtla is a Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Coop Pank AS and also a member audit- and remuneration committee of Coop Pank AS. Since 2023 February he acts as chairman of the board of Coop Eesti Keskühistu. He has obtained higher education in logistics management from Jyväskyla university of Applied Sciences, Finland. Rainer Rohtla has worked in top management positions in various logistics management related international enterprises, latest of them from 2019-2022 as General Manager of Via 3L Group.
Veiko Haavapuu is an experienced financial expert and a Member of the Board and Financial Director of Coop Eesti Keskühistu. Veiko Haavapuu has previously worked as the CFO of several large companies and organizations, such as Statoil, Tallink and Rail Baltica. He holds a bachelor's degree in Accounting and Business Managment from Tallinn University of Technology and has studied International Business Administration in the Estonian Business School.
Silver Kuus is a Member of the Supervisory Board of Coop Pank AS. He has obtained a master’s degree in international business management from Estonian Business School. Silver Kuus has worked in top management positions in different financial institutions, latest of them from 2017-2019 as manager of corporate banking at Luminor Bank AS. Currently, he is manager of a business consulting company OÜ LORIKORU CAPITAL.
Stan Nahkor is a financial expert and sworn auditor with long-term experience in management, financial auditing, business consulting and risk management. He has been a partner at Ernst & Young, a member of the board of PricewaterhouseCoopers and a member of the management of Sorainen Law firm. Stan Nahkor holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from the Estonian Business School.
The Remuneration Committee is a body subordinate to the supervisory board of the bank whose task is to assess the application of the principles of remuneration in the bank and the impact of decisions related to remuneration on meeting the requirements laid down concerning risk management, company funds and liquidity.
The Remuneration Committee shall:
1) exercise supervision over the remuneration of members of the management board and employees;
2) assess at least once a year the application of principles of remuneration and make a proposal, where necessary, about updating the principles of remuneration;
3) prepare draft decisions on remuneration for the supervisory board of the credit institution.
In its activities, the Remuneration Committee shall proceed from the long-term interests of the shareholders or members and clients of the credit institution, and from public interest.
The Remuneration Committee of the bank has four members:
Rainer Rohtla is a Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Coop Pank AS and also a member audit- and remuneration committee of Coop Pank AS. Since 2023 February he acts as chairman of the board of Coop Eesti Keskühistu. He has obtained higher education in logistics management from Jyväskyla university of Applied Sciences, Finland. Rainer Rohtla has worked in top management positions in various logistics management related international enterprises, latest of them from 2019-2022 as General Manager of Via 3L Group.
Irja Rae has obtained master’s degrees from University of Tartu in business administration and from Tallinna Tehnikaülikool (TalTech) in digital change-management. She has long experience in HR consultation companies Fontes PMP and Fontes Palgakonsultatsioonid OÜ. Irja Rae is currently a member of management board in Fontes Palgakonsultatsioonid OÜ.
Jaan Marjundi is a Member of the Supervisory Board of Coop Pank AS. Presently, Jaan Marjundi is the Chairman of the Management Board of Harju Tarbijate Ühistu, a Member of the Supervisory Board of Coop Eesti Keskühistu and a Member of the Management Board of the non-profit association Eesti ODD Fellow Ühing. From 2000 to 2007, Jaan Marjundi worked as the Retail Chain Director of Eesti Tarbijate Ühistute Keskühistu (current business name Coop Eesti Keskühistu). From 2007-2017, Jaan Marjundi was a Member of the Management Board of OÜ Puidu Apartments, and before that as a Member of the Management Board of Eesti Taaskasutusorganisatsioon MTÜ (2005-2014) and a Member of the Management Board of the Estonian Traders’ Association (1997-2014). From 2011-2019, Jaan Marjundi was the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Coop Kaubanduse AS. Jaan Marjundi graduated from the Tallinn Polytechnic Institute in 1979 in the field of technology and organisation of communal catering.
Raul Parusk is a Member of the Supervisory Board of Coop Pank AS. He has obtained a master’s degrees in political economy from Moscow National University and in business management from Vienna Business School. He has worked in top management positions in different companies, including credit institutions. In the period 2017 until August 2021, Raul Parusk was a member of management boards of Forus Grupp OÜ, Forus Security AS and Forus Haldus OÜ.
The auditor of Coop Pank AS is Aktsiaselts PricewaterhouseCoopers (registry code 10142876) who was appointed the auditor of the Bank for the period from 2020 to 2022 at the annual general meeting of shareholders held on 28 May 2020.
On 01.11.2022 they were appointed for the new period 2023-2027.