Settlement of accounts

We want to make daily banking as quick, convenient and affordable for you as possible so that you always have a good overview of your finances.

With our Corporate Plan, European payments, receipt of bank link payments and a debit card for your company are free of charge, and we don’t charge you a fee for the plan either.

Our Apartment Association Plan helps save on service fees, because it allows your association to make as many intrabank and Estonian payments as it needs to per month for one monthly fee.

A current account that earns you money

All of your company’s day-to-day banking is linked to its current account. You can perform transfers and cash transactions and receive, deposit and exchange money in a variety of currencies. You can make quick, easy payments to recipients in Estonia and abroad in our Internet and mobile banks and at our branches.

Whereas normally the funds in a current account don’t earn you any money but rather tend to lose you money due to service fees, here in Coop Pank we grow your money by paying 0.01% interest on the balance of your account, starting from the first euro.

You don’t need to come into a branch to open an account for your company – you can do so here and now in just a couple of minutes!

Save money with Coop Pank!

With us you earn per year


In another bank you earn per year


The offer applies to enterprises registered in Estonia.
The calculation is based on the ordinary rates of Estonian banks: payments to another bank at a cost of €0.38 and interest of 0.01% on the funds in the current account.

Corporate plans

Settlements – good to know