
The standard terms and conditions of Coop credit cards for private clients will be changing on 1 October 2023


The main changes are as follows:

  • The bank has the right to refuse to enable the use of the credit limit, to reduce the credit limit, to refuse to issue the card, to establish a minimum repayment amount and to block the use of the card and the card account in the event that the account holder or the card user does not accept the card from the bank (incl. not activating the new card) by the specified deadline, as well as in the event that the bank has refused to issue the card.
  • The bank has the right to refuse to issue the card in the event that the bank feels the solvency of the account holder has decreased significantly or the risk that the account holder will not be able to meet their obligation to repay the credit limit has increased significantly, as well as in the event of other circumstances arising from the General Terms & Conditions of the bank or from law.
  • We have more precisely defined the terms and wording used in connection with notifying clients of changes to the terms and conditions, with the right of the bank to extraordinarily terminate the agreement and with the consequences of failing to meet the obligations arising from the agreement

The new terms and conditions can be reviewed here.

If you have any questions, e-mail us at or call us on +372 669 0966 (8:30-19:00 Monday-Friday).
