
Coop Pank AS (registry code 10237832) publishes a notification on the basis of subsection 70 (1) of the Credit Institutions Act


On 19 December 2022, Coop Pank AS as the acquiring company received permission from the Financial Supervision Authority to merge with CP Varad AS, a 100% subsidiary of Coop Pank AS. The merger is expected to be completed in 2022.

On 17 August 2022, Coop Pank AS entered into a merger agreement with its 100% subsidiary CP Varad AS, pursuant to which upon entry into force of the merger all the assets of CP Varad AS, including all the rights and obligations, will transfer to Coop Pank AS. As a result of the merger, CP Varad AS will be deemed dissolved and Coop Pank AS becomes its legal successor. As this is an intra-group merger, the status of the consolidated assets, rights and liabilities of Coop Pank AS group will not change as a result.

Completion of the merger will not affect the day-to-day operations of Coop Pank AS or its customer service.


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