
Changes to the Coop Pank price list and the standard terms and conditions of term deposit contracts


Coop Pank is set to make a number of changes to the price lists for its private and business clients and to the standard terms and conditions of term deposit contracts, of which the most important are as follows.

  • As of 1 July 2022 we will be dropping the restriction in the price lists for both private and business clients that the bank only offers standing orders in euros within Estonia.
  • As of 15 July 2022 the fees associated with amendments to loan contracts in the price list for private clients (shortening the term, amending the payment schedule type, amending special contractual conditions and the fees for changing the current account linked to loans) will be changing.
  • As of 1 September 2022:
    • the fee for opening an account for a non-resident in the price list for private clients will increase from 100 euros to 150 euros;
    • we will be adjusting the service fees for bank cards in the price list for private clients so as to make the basis of charging card transaction-based fees clearer to clients;
    • we will be updating the definition of ‘resident’ in the price list for private clients;
    • we will no longer be offering the Surfikas plan for young clients;
    • we will be amending the fee for the early termination of a term deposit in the price list for both private and business clients; and
    • we will be amending the procedure for the early termination of a term deposit in the standard terms and conditions of term deposit contracts.

In addition, we have changed the format of the price lists for both private and business clients and updated the wording in order to make it clearer.

Take a look at the new price list for private clients here and the price list for business clients here.

Take a look at the new standard terms and conditions of term deposit contracts here.


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