Change in private client price list
Change in private client price list as of 1 February 2019 – free account management
As of 1 February 2019, private clients will no longer have to pay the €0.5 monthly fee for account management, and it will be free of charge instead.
Change in private client price list as of 1 April 2019
The private client price list will change as of 1 April 2019 in relation to the changes in the service charges of residents of countries that are not Contracting States of the European Economic Area.
Most important changes to the price list as of 1 April 2019:
- A one-off fee for the review of documents in the amount of €100 will be established for residents of other countries (that are not Contracting States of the European Economic Area).
- A new account management fee in the amount of €5 per month will be applied to residents of other countries (that are not Contracting States of the European Economic Area).
- The present international private client price list will be annulled.
New price lists can be viewed here.